Membership - How to Join

At Plumstead Runners we like to keep things simple - life is complicated enough.

So we've made joining the Plums as straightforward as possible. After all, if it's too much hard work or difficult to understand, people will join other running clubs instead, as apparently there are others available. Obviously not as friendly or sociable of course!

So here's how it works.

If you are new to the club, your first investment in becoming a Plum is just £60.00. This price includes a technical running top. And it's a good one too, and what's best is that you don't have to join immediately, we'll let you run with us for up to 4 times before we ask you to make a decision.

Then, for existing members the annual renewal fee is £40.

Our membership year runs from 1 January to 31 December (told you we keep things simple!). If you start running with us after September, your membership fee will include the remaining period up until 1 January. This can mean months of free running, support, advice and fun with the Plums. Cool huh?

But we're confident if you've spent any amount of time running with us, be it weeks or months, you'll want to join.

You can also become a member of England Athletics when you join the Plums. This is optional and entirely up to you, but there is an additional fee of £20.00 Benefits include reduced entry for races. And if you like to run in lots of races, this can add up. But don't worry, there's plenty of Plums activities through the year for you to spend the money you've saved!

Plumstead Runners does not discriminate against anyone applying to become a member. Where the cost of membership and/or any necessary equipment to partake fully as a member of Plumstead Runners are considered by any current or prospective member to be prohibitive, that person should contact either the club Treasurer or Management Committee to discuss arrangements that are acceptable to both parties.