Plumstead Runners are committed to ensuring that all club members can participate in Plumsted Runners activities in an enjoyable and safe environment. The Club aims to create an environment where you feel safe and are able to participate in club events without being subject to any form of harassment, bullying, verbal or physical abuse or excessive pressure.
Plumstead Runners is an adults-only club, but we hold events where children are present and therefore our welfare policy includes safeguarding both adults and children.
All members of our Club have a duty of care to one another, and we all adhere to the EA Codes of Conduct. Plumstead Runners is an affiliated member of England Athletics and adopts their safeguarding policies and procedures:
Welfare is a wide ranging subject that can cover a broad spectrum of issues, including but not limited to:
The current Welfare Officer(s) of the Plumstead Runners are:
James Otter
[email protected]
07480 169006.
Louise Cave
[email protected]
07707 082153
One or both of our Welfare Officers should be the first point of contact if any members have any welfare issues or concerns that they want to raise or report. If none of the Welfare Officers are available, then please contact another member of the Committee. Similarly, if you feel more comfortable speaking to another Committee member then please do so. Any information or concerns shared, raised or reported to either of the Welfare Officers or to a member of the Committee will be treated with the strictest of confidence, and shared with other Committee members on a strictly “need to know” basis only.