Results Archive

10k Handicap, 8th November 2023

Name Handicap Elapsed time Net time Position
Andrew Duff 00:01:30 01:05:50 01:04:20 1
Andy Vero 00:19:30 01:06:30 00:47:00 2
Hugo McGregor-Davies 00:21:30 01:06:58 00:45:28 3
Neil Bush 00:16:00 01:07:22 00:51:22 4
Rob Lenihan 00:22:00 01:07:26 00:45:26 5
Nick Marsden 00:22:00 01:07:32 00:45:32 6
Debbie Platt 00:00:00 01:07:37 01:07:37 7
Russell Buchanan 00:22:30 01:07:50 00:45:20 8
Beth Healy 00:07:00 01:07:51 01:00:51 9
Stephen Dean 00:18:00 01:08:03 00:50:03 10
Donna Vero 00:00:00 01:08:11 01:08:11 11
Les Howson 00:18:00 01:08:23 00:50:23 12
Veronika Eager 00:14:30 01:08:27 00:53:57 13
Adam Bailey 00:22:15 01:08:31 00:46:16 14
Fiona Lore 00:13:53 01:08:54 00:55:01 15
Collette Covington 00:00:00 01:08:59 01:08:59 16
Graham Willsher 00:16:54 01:09:01 00:52:07 17
James Kean 00:21:15 01:11:30 00:50:15 18
Gary Locke 00:13:13 01:14:54 01:01:41 19
Peter (guest) 00:20:00 01:15:02 00:55:02 20
Paul Collins 00:20:00 01:15:02 00:55:02 21
Lee Collins 00:02:00 01:16:34 01:14:34 22
Gary Witt 00:20:00 01:17:55 00:57:55 23
Martin Mason 00:15:45 01:18:56 01:03:11 24

We had a great turnout considering the inclement weather during the day. In the end, we had almost as many volunteers as we had runners. Thanks to everyone who gave up their time, it's much appreciated. Andrew Duff took the spoils on the night, earning him his second handicap win in a year. Andy Vero finished in second place in a respectable 47 minutes. Hugo finished shortly afterwards to guarantee himself the last of the shower gel in third spot. Russell Buchanan recorded the quickest time on the night (45:20).

Timekeeper: Paul Hiles
Marshalls: Emma Killick, Jim Williams, Ian Scott, Geoff Goodwin, Gavin Banks, Paul Looker, Lynn Warner, Dave Winfield, Donna Holland, Jo Collins and Chris Wait (as backmarker).

5k Handicap, 1st November 2023

Name Handicap Elapsed time Net time Position
James Otter 00:09:39 00:32:38 00:22:59 1
Debbie Platt 00:00:00 00:33:21 00:33:21 2
Neil Bush 00:08:32 00:33:32 00:25:00 3
Bill Mulligan 00:14:00 00:33:46 00:19:46 4
James Kean 00:11:37 00:34:01 00:22:24 5
Ben Sigsworth 00:15:00 00:34:06 00:19:06 6
Nick Marsden 00:11:59 00:34:11 00:22:12 7
Gary Locke 00:06:48 00:34:13 00:27:25 8
Adam Bailey 00:11:51 00:34:19 00:22:28 9
Collette Covington 00:03:53 00:34:23 00:30:30 10
Peter Ratcliffe 00:05:03 00:34:36 00:29:33 11
Fiona Lore 00:08:34 00:34:46 00:26:12 12
Stephen Dean 00:10:24 00:34:59 00:24:35 13
Duncan Platt 00:14:21 00:35:02 00:20:41 14
Paul Looker 00:08:09 00:35:38 00:27:29 15
Gavin Banks 00:10:32 00:36:14 00:25:42 16
Paul Collins 00:11:28 00:37:01 00:25:33 17
Andrew Duff 00:06:01 00:38:19 00:32:18 18
Chris Wait 00:06:22 00:39:01 00:32:39 19
Sam Barratt (guest) 00:06:22 00:39:02 00:32:40 20


A cool showery evening, but not too bad for running. Congratulations to James Otter who took the honours tonight. Debbie Platt finished in second place and earned her first shower gel! Third spot went to the improving Neil Bush. Ben Sigsworth ran the quickest time on the night (19:06) which could well be a course record. The next 5k time trial will take place on 17th January, 2024

Timekeeper(s): Paul Hiles & Phil Holland
Marshalls: Jan Glen, Cathy Morgan, Dave Winfield, Geoff Goodwin, Guy Marchegiani, Jim Williams, Jo Collins, Martin Mason and Natalia Peskareva.

10 Mile Handicap, 17th September 2023

Name Handicap Elapsed time Net time Position
Ben Sigsworth 00:28:00 01:35:56 01:07:56 1
Graham Willsher 00:12:00 01:37:17 01:25:17 2
Paul Collins 00:21:30 01:39:04 01:17:34 3
Paul Hiles 00:13:00 01:39:38 01:26:38 4
Gary Locke 00:06:00 01:40:00 01:34:00 5
Carol Marsh (guest) 00:16:00 01:40:35 01:24:35 6
Neil Bush 00:11:00 01:40:37 01:29:37 7
James Otter 00:20:00 01:40:47 01:20:47 8
Russell Buchanan 00:24:00 01:41:01 01:17:01 9
Nick Marsden 00:25:00 01:43:01 01:18:01 10
Stephen Dean 00:18:00 01:44:04 01:26:04 11
Anish Augustine 00:14:00 01:44:35 01:30:35 12
Fiona Lore 00:15:00 01:45:38 01:30:38 13
Andy Vero 00:20:30 01:46:27 01:25:57 14
Louise Cave 00:10:00 01:50:45 01:40:45 15
Keith Crowhurst 00:21:00 01:54:02 01:33:02 16
Ivaylo Enchev (guest) 00:08:00 01:57:45 01:49:45 17
Andrew Duff 00:00:00 02:06:57 02:06:57 18

5km Handicap, 6th September 2023

Name Handicap Elapsed time Net time Position
Ben Sigsworth 00:17:29 00:36:53 00:19:24 1
Michael Doyle 00:11:29 00:37:43 00:26:14 2
Gary Locke 00:10:16 00:37:52 00:27:36 3
James Kean 00:15:29 00:38:16 00:22:47 4
Gary Northam 00:15:44 00:38:33 00:22:49 5
Adam Bailey 00:16:14 00:38:47 00:22:33 6
James Otter 00:14:44 00:39:00 00:24:16 7
Andy Vero 00:15:14 00:39:04 00:23:50 8
Stephen Tampling 00:13:05 00:39:07 00:26:02 9
David Warren 00:01:14 00:39:20 00:38:06 10
Paul Collins 00:16:31 00:39:27 00:22:56 11
Duncan Platt 00:19:29 00:39:32 00:20:03 12
Lee Collins 00:08:01 00:39:35 00:31:34 13
Gina Little 00:10:01 00:39:39 00:29:38 14
Hugo McGregor-Davies 00:17:29 00:39:46 00:22:17 15
Chris Wait 00:11:48 00:39:50 00:28:02 16
Gavin Banks 00:15:59 00:39:51 00:23:52 17
Ryan Wait 00:07:29 00:39:55 00:32:26 18
Lizzie Hooper 00:08:59 00:40:02 00:31:03 19
Neil Bush 00:14:34 00:40:26 00:25:52 20
Ray Edwards 00:03:53 00:40:42 00:36:49 21
Debbie Platt 00:06:33 00:40:57 00:34:24 22
Robin Bell 00:00:00 00:41:24 00:41:24 23
Donna Vero 00:07:37 00:42:03 00:34:26 24
Lee Cox 00:00:06 00:42:30 00:42:24 25
Robert Lenihan 00:17:33 00:43:11 00:25:38 26
Vikki Russell 00:11:14 00:42:52 00:31:38 27

A very warm evening for the 5k time trial. Congratulations to Ben Sigsworth who took first place with a storming run overtaking the whole field (except for Duncan who set off last!). Michael Doyle took second place, just ahead of father-in-law Gary Locke, who finished in a strong third place. James Kean ran well to take fourth place, but missed out on shower gel tonight! Almost the whole field finished within a five minute range, so the handicaps were fairly accurate. The next 5k time trial will take place on November 1st, 2023

Timekeeper(s): Paul Hiles & Phil Holland
Marshalls: Jan Glen, Cathy Morgan, Dave Winfield, Donna Holland, Guy Marchegiani, Jim Williams, Jo Collins and Martin Mason

5km Handicap, 28th June 2023

Name Handicap Elapsed time Net time Position
Lee Collins 00:01:52 00:33:20 00:31:28 1
Lee Cox 00:00:00 00:39:23 00:39:23 2
Peter Ratcliffe 00:11:28 00:40:49 00:29:21 3
Robert Lenihan 00:19:06 00:41:02 00:21:56 4
Fiona Lore 00:15:19 00:41:09 00:25:50 5
Robin Bell 00:01:52 00:41:21 00:39:29 6
Steve Dean 00:17:06 00:41:24 00:24:18 7
Chris Wait 00:13:49 00:41:30 00:27:41 8
Jo Collins 00:13:09 00:41:40 00:28:31 9
Paul Collins 00:18:42 00:41:40 00:22:58 10
Justin Griggs 00:16:26 00:41:41 00:25:15 11
Gina Little 00:12:31 00:41:59 00:29:28 12
James Otter 00:15:27 00:42:00 00:26:33 13
Tess Connolly 00:16:34 00:42:23 00:25:49 14
Veronika Eager 00:16:28 00:42:35 00:26:07 15
Duncan Platt 00:21:41 00:42:57 00:21:16 16
Louise Cave 00:16:05 00:43:07 00:27:02 17
Gary Locke 00:14:16 00:43:29 00:29:13 18
Les Pullen 00:05:49 00:44:07 00:38:18 19
Michael Doyle 00:12:49 00:44:17 00:31:28 20
Lizzie Hooper 00:12:49 00:44:17 00:31:28 21
Ray Edwards 00:09:19 00:44:55 00:35:36 22

Cross Country Handicap, 14th June 2023

Name Handicap Elapsed time Net time Position
Nathan Hart (guest) 00:21:00 00:58:12 00:37:12 1
Tess Connolly 00:13:00 01:01:25 00:48:25 2
Veronika Eager 00:14:30 01:01:53 00:47:23 3
Duncan Platt 00:23:00 01:02:26 00:39:26 4
Matt Benson 00:27:00 01:02:41 00:35:41 5
Hugo McGregor-Davies 00:23:30 01:03:08 00:39:38 6
Paul Collins 00:20:45 01:03:37 00:42:52 7
Lee Collins 00:03:00 01:04:00 01:01:00 8
Neil Bush 00:16:00 01:04:18 00:48:18 9
Emma (guest) 00:11:15 01:05:05 00:53:50 10
Jo Collins 00:13:00 01:05:07 00:52:07 11
Shazia Khan 00:13:30 01:05:34 00:52:04 12
Louise Cave 00:13:45 01:05:34 00:51:49 13
Robin Cave (guest) 00:15:30 01:05:57 00:50:27 14
Fiona Lore 00:17:00 01:06:41 00:49:41 15
Gavin Banks 00:23:00 01:07:26 00:44:26 16
Russell Buchanan 00:24:00 01:07:46 00:43:46 17
Peter Ratcliffe 00:11:15 01:08:36 00:57:21 18
Penny Marshall 00:04:30 01:11:06 01:06:36 19
David Warren 00:00:00 01:12:06 01:12:06 20
Leslie Howson 00:21:00 01:13:38 00:52:38 21


Nathan Hart was the first finisher in 00:37:12 - Nathan was running as a guest so therefore missed out on winning the trophy. A welcome return to form for Tess Connolly who was the first Plum home and takes the Alan Warnes trophy and shower gel! Veronika Eager finished in second place looking very strong. Duncan Platt was the third Plum home, despite a suspected broken rib and coming straight from the Dentist! Matt Benson ran the fastest time on the night (00:35:41). Unfortunately Stephen Dean wasn't able to run the full course and pulled out with asthma. A big thank you to Jim Williams, Adrian Hollman and the team of marshals who did an amazing job (as always!).

Timekeeper: Paul Hiles
Marshalls: Jim Williams (lead), Adrian Hollman, Becky Parrish, Chris Wait, Dave Winfield, Donna Holland, Geoff Goodwin, Gina Little, Graham Willsher, Ian Scott, Jan Glen, Lee Cox, Martin Mason, Ray Edwards, Steve Grundy and Carrie Anderson (backmarker).

5km Handicap, 3rd May 2023

Name Handicap Elapsed time Net time Position
Dave Tyler 00:07:30 00:35:34 00:28:04 1
Collette Covington 00:07:00 00:37:41 00:30:41 2
Bill Mulligan 00:18:00 00:38:20 00:20:20 3
Neil Bush 00:13:30 00:38:23 00:24:53 4
Emma Killick 00:04:30 00:38:29 00:33:59 5
Paul Collins 00:16:00 00:38:37 00:22:37 6
Vikki Russell 00:08:30 00:38:43 00:30:13 7
Jan Glen 00:00:00 00:38:58 00:38:58 8
Gary Locke 00:12:00 00:39:03 00:27:03 9
Gavin Banks 00:17:00 00:39:10 00:22:10 10
Russell Buchanan 00:17:30 00:39:27 00:21:57 11
Robin Bell 00:00:00 00:39:27 00:39:27 12
Les Pullen 00:04:00 00:39:33 00:35:33 13
Becky Parrish 00:14:00 00:39:41 00:25:41 14
Robert Lenihan 00:17:30 00:39:43 00:22:13 15
Louise Cave 00:14:30 00:39:44 00:25:14 16
Paul Looker 00:13:30 00:39:45 00:26:15 17
Hugo McGregor-Davies 00:18:00 00:39:48 00:21:48 18
Veronika Eager 00:15:00 00:39:51 00:24:51 19
Debbie Platt 00:07:00 00:39:56 00:32:56 20
Jo Collins 00:12:00 00:40:10 00:28:10 21
Donna Vero 00:07:00 00:40:14 00:33:14 22
Lizzie Hooper 00:11:30 00:40:20 00:28:50 23
Duncan Platt 00:20:30 00:40:54 00:20:24 24
James Otter 00:15:30 00:41:22 00:25:52 25
Dave Warren 00:04:00 00:41:23 00:37:23 26
Penny Marshall 00:05:30 00:41:24 00:35:54 27
Geoff Goodwin 00:06:30 00:42:13 00:35:43 28
Alan Lado-Devesa 00:12:00 00:42:49 00:30:49 29
Leslie Howson 00:16:00 00:42:50 00:26:50 30


Perfect conditions for the first handicapped version of the Club's 5k time trial. Congratulations to Dave Tyler who took first place with a strong run. Collette Covington ran close to her personal best to claim second place and Bill Mulligan recorded the fastest time on the night (00:20:20) to secure third place. Special mention for Duncan Platt who still ran 00:20:24 just three days after completing the Fellsman 100k race. There were some really close finishes as you can see from the results!

Timekeeper(s): Paul Hiles & Phil Holland
Marshalls: Martin Mason & Dave Winfield

10km Handicap, 5th April 2023

Name Handicap Elapsed time Net time Position
Neil Bush 00:03:00 00:56:53 00:53:53 1
Martin Mason 00:12:00 01:07:38 00:55:38 2
Robert Morgan 00:18:00 01:09:43 00:51:43 3
Chris Wait 00:14:00 01:10:14 00:56:14 4
Becky Parrish 00:17:00 01:11:02 00:54:02 5
Alan Lado-Devesa 00:12:00 01:11:33 00:59:33 6
Stephen Dean 00:23:00 01:11:40 00:48:40 7
Phil Holland 00:29:30 01:11:50 00:42:20 8
Russell Buchanan 00:27:30 01:12:02 00:44:32 9
Debbie Platt 00:07:00 01:12:16 01:05:16 10
Paul Looker 00:18:30 01:12:32 00:54:02 11
Peter Ratcliffe 00:13:00 01:13:01 01:00:01 12
Michael Doyle 00:26:00 01:13:03 00:47:03 13
Les Howson 00:25:00 01:13:16 00:48:16 14
Hugo McGregor-Davies 00:28:00 01:13:24 00:45:24 15
Duncan Platt 00:33:00 01:13:25 00:40:25 16
Louise Cave 00:17:00 01:13:55 00:56:55 17
Gary Northam 00:24:00 01:14:07 00:50:07 18
Gary Locke 00:15:00 01:15:32 01:00:32 19
Paul Collins 00:27:00 01:15:36 00:48:36 20
Collette Covington 00:10:00 01:17:31 01:07:31 21
Ray Edwards 00:07:00 01:17:32 01:10:32 22
Dave Warren 00:00:00 01:20:14 01:20:14 23


A cool evening with slight drizzle (perfect running weather!). New member Neil Bush was the first runner home with a lead of almost eleven minutes over second placed Martin Mason. Robert Morgan ran well for the third place. Duncan Platt ran the quickest time on the night (00:40:25) and Phil Holland ran a very strong race in 00:42:20. Thanks to all the marshals who made the event run so smoothly.

Timekeeper(s): Paul Hiles
Marshalls: Jan Glen, Jim Williams, Ian Scott, Geoff Goodwin, Lee Collins, Jo Collins, Les Pullen, Dave Winfield, James Otter, Adrian Hollman and Fiona Lore who helped with the finish.

5km Handicap, 1st March 2023

Name Start time Finish time Net time Position
Duncan Platt 19:06:09 19:25:48 00:19:38 1
Rob Lenihan 19:06:09 19:28:55 00:22:46 2
Michael Doyle 19:06:09 19:29:01 00:22:52 3
Les Howson 19:06:09 19:29:32 00:23:22 4
Gary Northam 19:06:09 19:29:33 00:23:23 5
Steven Dean 19:06:09 19:29:42 00:23:33 6
Paul Hiles 19:06:09 19:29:53 00:23:44 7
Paul Kent 19:06:09 19:30:25 00:24:16 8
Veronika Eager 19:06:09 19:31:18 00:25:08 9
Louise Cave 19:06:09 19:31:19 00:25:10 10
Becky Parrish 19:06:09 19:32:16 00:26:06 11
Gary Locke 19:06:09 19:33:57 00:27:48 12
Martin Mason 19:06:09 19:34:01 00:27:51 13
Michael Somerville (guest) 19:06:09 19:34:05 00:27:55 14
Andrew Duff 19:06:09 19:34:33 00:28:23 15
Lizzie Hooper 19:06:09 19:34:35 00:28:25 16
Gina Little 19:06:09 19:35:02 00:28:52 17
Marianne Garvey 19:06:09 19:36:00 00:29:50 18
Peter Ratcliffe 19:06:09 19:36:01 00:29:51 19
Adrian Hollman 19:06:09 19:38:07 00:31:57 20
Ray Edwards 19:06:09 19:38:27 00:32:17 21
Donna Vero 19:06:09 19:39:01 00:32:52 22
Debbie Platt 19:06:09 19:39:03 00:32:54 23
Geoff Goodwin 19:06:09 19:39:43 00:33:34 24
Les Pullen 19:06:09 19:42:07 00:35:58 25


The first running of the Club 5k handicap. Everyone started together, so the spoils inevitably went to the fastest runner on the night. Duncan Platt was (predictably) the first runner home with a lead of three minutes over Rob Lenihan who finished in second place. Recent recruit Michael Doyle ran a strong race to claim third place. As always, a big thanks to the marshals who were a huge help on a dark evening.

Timekeeper(s): Dave Winfield & Fiona Lore
Marshalls: Chris Wait, Dave Warren, Gavin Banks, Phil Holland, and Russell Buchanan helped with finish tokens.

10 km Handicap, 19th October 2022

Name Handicap Elapsed time Net time Posn.
Paul Collins 00:18:00 1:06:01 00:48:01 1
Jo Leverington 00:11:00 1:07:55 00:56:55 2
Louise Cave 00:13:00 1:09:19 00:56:19 3
Veronika Eager 00:15:00 1:10:40 00:55:40 4
Duncan Platt 00:31:00 1:10:42 00:39:42 5
Graham Willsher 00:19:00 1:10:45 00:51:45 6
Debbie Platt 00:02:00 1:11:50 01:09:50 7
Vikki Russell 00:12:00 1:12:00 01:00:00 8
Andy Vero 00:25:00 1:12:38 00:47:38 9
Rob Lenihan 00:24:30 1:13:06 00:48:36 10
Anish Augustine 00:26:00 1:13:15 00:47:15 11
Russell Buchanan 00:28:00 1:13:46 00:45:46 12
Gina Little 00:11:00 1:13:50 01:02:50 13
Robert Morgan 00:14:00 1:14:28 01:00:28 14
Steve Ryan 00:27:30 1:14:34 00:47:04 15
Nick Marsden 00:27:00 1:15:19 00:48:19 16
Donna Vero 00:07:00 1:16:39 01:09:39 17
Peter Ratcliffe 00:12:00 1:17:04 01:05:04 18
Paul Looker 00:24:30 1:19:09 00:54:39 19
Phil Holland 00:24:30 1:19:10 00:54:40 20
Emma Killick 00:00:00 1:20:22 01:20:22 21
Robin Bell 00:00:00 1:21:07 01:21:07 22
Lee Collins 00:02:00 1:23:24 01:21:24 23
Callum Cox 00:27:00 1:24:09 00:57:09 24


A cool dark evening, perfect for running. Paul Collins was the first Plum home (by almost two minutes!). Jo Leverington finished in second and new member Louise Cave ran well to claim third place. Unfortunately, Callum Cox suffered with an ankle injury, but still managed to complete the race. Duncan Platt recorded the quickest time on the night, with a particulary swift 39:42. As always, a huge thanks to the marshals without whom we wouldn't be able to hold the event.

Timekeeper: Paul Hiles
Marshalls: Jan Glen, Geoff Goodwin, Ian Scott, Chris Wait, Donna Holland, Lee Cox, Deborah Cox, Louise Smith and Collette Covington. On their bikes, we had Adrian Hollman who stayed with the race leader and Natalia Peskareva was the backmarker.

10 Mile Handicap, 10th September 2022

Name Handicap Elapsed time Net time Posn.
Andrew Duff 00:10:00 01:53:54 01:43:54 1
Phil Holland 00:40:00 01:56:29 01:16:29 2
Stephen Ryan 00:42:30 01:57:47 01:15:17 3
James Otter 00:41:30 01:59:01 01:17:31 4
Paul Collins 00:35:00 02:00:27 01:25:27 5
Keith Crowhurst 00:45:00 02:01:09 01:16:09 6
Martin Mason 00:22:30 02:04:31 01:42:01 7
Chris Wait 00:28:00 02:09:56 01:41:56 8
Dave Warren 00:00:00 02:18:41 02:18:41 9
Lee Collins 00:00:00 02:25:53 02:25:53 10


A cloudy and slightly humid morning. Lee Collins and Dave Warren set off together and by all accounts were chatting the whole way round. Andrew Duff was a comfortable winner, securing his first win in any of the Club handicap races! Phil Holland finished in a strong second place running well within himself. Stephen Ryan finished in third place and ran the quickest time on the day, with a solid 1:15:17. As always, a big thank you to all the marshals who volunteered their time.

Timekeeper: Paul Hiles
Marshalls: Jan Glen, Ian Scott, Carrie Anderson, Jim Williams, Graham Willsher, Lee Cox, Adrian Hollman, Steve Grundy. On her bike, we had Natalia Peskareva who stayed with the last runner.

10km Handicap, 6th April 2022

Name Handicap Elapsed time Net time Posn.
Dave Warren 00:00:00 01:12:43 01:12:43 1
Donna Vero 00:08:00 01:13:23 01:05:23 2
Emma Killick 00:03:00 01:15:04 01:12:04 3
Carolyn Hartwig 00:03:00 01:15:13 01:12:13 4
Debbie Platt 00:03:00 01:15:22 01:12:22 5
Gina Little 00:14:00 01:15:27 01:01:27 6
Robert Morgan 00:18:00 01:16:12 00:58:12 7
Callum Cox 00:34:30 01:16:56 00:42:26 8
Andy Vero 00:31:00 01:16:57 00:45:57 9
Fiona Lore 00:25:30 01:17:12 00:51:42 10
Matthew Peaty (guest) 00:29:00 01:18:11 00:49:11 11
Gavin Banks 00:31:00 01:18:28 00:47:28 12
Les Howson 00:29:00 01:18:32 00:49:32 13
Phil Holland 00:33:00 01:19:10 00:46:10 14
Daniel Cox 00:32:30 01:19:27 00:46:57 15
Ray Edwards 00:08:00 01:19:43 01:11:43 16
Robin Bell 00:05:30 01:20:28 01:14:58 17
James Otter 00:30:00 01:20:40 00:50:40 18
Sam Cole 00:20:30 01:20:58 01:00:28 19


A rather wet evening, with heavy showers. Thankfully we had our new marquee for shelter from the elements. David Warren was our deserved winner, his first win in 27 years as a member! Donna Vero finished in a strong second place and Emma Killick claimed the third spot. Unfortunately, Geoff Goodwin needed to retire, so he's not included in the results. Callum Cox recorded the quickest time on the night, with a very respectable 42:26. As always, a huge thanks to the marshals without whom we wouldn't be able to hold the event.

Timekeeper: Paul Hiles
Marshalls: Jan Glen, Jim Williams, Ian Scott, Graham Willsher, Chris Wait, Steve Grundy, Les Pullen, Deborah Cox and Lee Cox. On their bikes, we had Adrian Hollman who stayed with the race leader and Natalia Peskareva was the backmarker.

10km Handicap, 20th October 2021

Name Handicap Elapsed time Net time Posn.
Jo Leverington 00:10:00 01:09:18 00:59:18 1
Paul Collins 00:10:00 01:09:20 00:59:20 2
Lee Collins 00:02:00 01:11:06 01:09:06 3
Callum Cox 00:27:00 01:11:22 00:44:22 4
Steve Ryan 00:28:30 01:11:46 00:43:16 5
Duncan Platt 00:33:00 01:12:33 00:39:33 6
Matt Benson 00:31:30 01:12:43 00:41:13 7
Russell Buchanan 00:28:00 01:12:47 00:44:47 8
Fiona Lore 00:20:00 01:12:55 00:52:55 9
Becky Parrish 00:19:30 01:12:59 00:53:29 10
Geoff Goodwin 00:08:00 01:13:22 01:05:22 11
Phil Holland 00:27:00 01:13:43 00:46:43 12
Andy Vero 00:26:00 01:13:49 00:47:49 13
Ryan Wait 00:15:00 01:14:17 00:59:17 14
Gavin Banks 00:26:30 01:14:20 00:47:50 15
Hugo McGregor-Davies 00:30:30 01:15:30 00:45:00 16
Martin Mason 00:19:00 01:15:31 00:56:31 17
Helen Griffiths 00:16:00 01:15:43 00:59:43 18
Michael Griffin 00:25:30 01:15:49 00:50:19 19
Emma Killick 00:00:00 01:16:39 01:16:39 20
Gina Little 00:16:00 01:17:43 01:01:43 21
Dawn Saunders 00:22:00 01:19:34 00:57:34 22
Dave Warren 00:02:30 01:21:17 01:18:47 23


Perfect conditions for running, and thankfully a dry spell before a torrential downpour. As always, a huge thanks to the marshals without whom we wouldn't be able to hold the event. A strong run from Jo Leverington, who ran with her partner Paul Collins, who very tactfully finished in second place. Lee Collins finished in third place. Unfortunately, Daniel Cox had to retire, so he's not included in the results. Apologies to Gina, who should have started earlier. Duncan Platt set a new course record with a fantastic time of 39:33.

Timekeeper: Paul Hiles
Marshalls: Jan Glen, Jim Williams, Ian Scott, Graham Willsher, Chris Wait, Steve Grundy, Deborah Cox and Lee Cox. On his bike, we had Adrian Hollman acting as tailrunner and Dave Winfield helped out at the start/finish area.

10km Handicap, 28th October 2020

Name Handicap Elapsed Time Net Time Position
Lee Collins 01:30 01:07:26 01:05:56 1
Jodie Rawlinson 22:00 01:12:33 00:50:33 2
Penny Marshall 02:30 01:12:56 01:10:26 3
Steve Ryan 28:30 01:14:00 00:45:30 4
Andy Vero 28:30 01:14:09 00:45:39 5
Dave Warren 03:30 01:14:54 01:11:24 6
Samantha White 07:00 01:15:26 01:08:26 7
Carrie Anderson 22:00 01:15:47 00:53:47 8
Gina Little 19:00 01:17:05 00:58:05 9
Gavin Banks 30:30 01:17:36 00:47:06 10
Hugo McGregor-Davies 34:30 01:17:44 00:43:14 11
Vikki Russell 20:30 01:17:58 00:57:28 12
Jake Hussey 34:00 01:18:19 00:44:19 13
Geoff Goodwin 12:30 01:18:20 01:05:50 14
Hettie Newberry 25:00 01:18:30 00:53:30 15
Nicole Bygrave 31:30 01:18:31 00:47:01 16
Robert Lenihan 29:30 01:18:36 00:49:06 17
Emma Killick 07:00 01:18:55 01:11:55 18
James Otter 32:30 01:19:01 00:46:31 19
Les Howson 30:30 01:19:43 00:49:13 20
Shazia Khan 20:00 01:20:02 01:00:02 21
Ian Milton 19:00 01:20:03 01:01:03 22
Keith Bygrave 31:00 01:21:03 00:50:03 23
Sam Cole 24:00 01:21:38 00:57:38 24


A cool dark evening, and thankfully a dry break between the showers. A huge thanks to all the marshals without whom we wouldn't be able to hold the event. A fantastic run from Lee Collins, who ran his fastest 10k in a few years! Apologies to Emma, who should have had a more generous handicap. Hugo was the fastest Plum on the night with a time of 43:14.

Timekeeper: Paul Hiles
Marshalls: Phil Holland (and Jack), Jim Williams, Ian Scott, Stephen Tampling, Andrew Duff, Chris Wait, Louise Smith, Les Pullen and Graham Willsher. On their bikes, we had Clive Chipping, Adrian Hollman and Natalia Peskareva.

10km Handicap, 23rd October 2019

Name Elapsed Time Handicap Net Time Position
Adrian Hollman 01:09:34 03:00 01:06:34 1
Lewis Bentley 01:10:51 28:00 00:42:51 2
Gina Little 01:10:55 10:00 01:00:55 3
Gavin Banks 01:12:19 24:00 00:48:19 4
Kathy Morgan 01:12:38 -10:00 01:22:38 5
Hugo McGregor-Davies 01:14:40 32:00 00:42:40 6
James Otter 01:14:52 30:15 00:44:37 7
Russell Buchanan 01:15:09 31:00 00:44:09 8
Les Howson 01:15:22 26:00 00:49:22 9
Emma Killick 01:15:28 05:00 01:10:28 10
Kate Parkinson 01:15:28 05:00 01:10:28 11
Kimi Kaur 01:15:29 05:00 01:10:29 12
Geoff Goodwin 01:15:42 11:00 01:04:42 13
Nicole Bonnet 01:16:00 30:30 00:45:30 14
Paul Hiles 01:16:14 30:00 00:46:14 15
Robert Lenihan 01:16:50 25:30 00:51:20 16
Martin Alexander 01:17:01 30:00 00:47:01 17
Lee Collins 01:17:13 02:00 01:15:13 18
Keith Bygrave 01:17:21 29:00 00:48:21 19
Stuart Banham 01:17:31 15:30 01:02:01 20
Will Sowden 01:18:57 21:30 00:57:27 21


My thanks to all the marshals, particularly Les, who was a great help, both at the start and finish. A fine run by Adrian, who knocked a good five minutes off his recent 10k times. Hugo was fastest on the night in 42m 40s, with Lewis only 11s slower.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Lynn Warner, Jim Williams, Terry & Fiona Brough, Clive Chipping, Graham Willsher, Chris Wait, Steve Grundy, Christine Fenton, Phil Holland and Les Pullen

10 Mile Handicap, 8th September 2019

Name Elapsed Time Handicap Net Time Position
James Otter 01:37:52 25:30 01:12:22 1
Graham Willsher 01:41:24 25:30 01:15:54 2
Paul Hiles 01:46:37 28:30 01:18:07 3
Shazia Khan 01:48:24 13:00 01:35:24 4
Leslie Howson 01:48:29 23:30 01:24:59 5
Jake Hussey 01:48:34 35:00 01:13:34 6
Robert Lenihan 01:53:05 25:00 01:28:05 7
Russell Buchanan 02:00:54 32:30 01:28:24 8


Nice day for a run, dry and sunny, but not too warm. My thanks to all the marshals who outnumbered the runners, it's a shame that more members were not actually able to run. Great run by James, who posted the fastest time of the day. Consolations to Andrew, who unfortunately started to run the course in reverse and then abandoned, and Russell who took a wrong turning.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Jim Williams, Steve Grundy, Eddie Parry, Colin Parfitt, Ian Scott, Geoff Goodwin, Lee Collins, Jackie & Melissa Ailey and Chris Wait

Cross Country Handicap, 19th June 2019

Name Club Elapsed Time Handicap Net Time Posn
Joanne Baltruschat NEJ Runners 00:57:48 -00:16:00 01:13:48 1
John Williams NEJ Runners 00:59:56 00:11:00 00:48:56 2
Geoff Goodwin Plumstead Runners 01:01:09 00:09:00 00:52:09 3
Mike Brown NEJ Runners 01:02:52 00:14:00 00:48:52 4
Catherine Warner NEJ Runners 01:02:55 00:11:00 00:51:55 5
Gina Little Plumstead Runners 01:03:11 00:09:00 00:54:11 6
Louise Tarsky Plumstead Runners 01:05:44 00:21:00 00:44:44 7
Shazia Khan Plumstead Runners 01:06:24 00:15:00 00:51:24 8
Sam Dich Phat NEJ Runners 01:06:24 00:20:00 00:46:24 9
Paul Kain NEJ Runners 01:06:31 00:23:30 00:43:01 10
Steve Tampling Plumstead Runners 01:06:41 00:19:00 00:47:41 11
Steve Maddison NEJ Runners 01:06:44 00:15:00 00:51:44 12
Christine Hayman NEJ Runners 01:06:45 00:15:00 00:51:45 13
William Sowden Plumstead Runners 01:07:22 00:17:00 00:50:22 14
Becky Parrish Plumstead Runners 01:07:29 00:17:00 00:50:29 15
Jan Baltruschat NEJ Runners 01:07:38 00:24:00 00:43:38 16
Stuart Farrant NEJ Runners 01:07:41 00:30:30 00:37:11 17
Tim McCurrach (Guest) NEJ Runners 01:07:49 00:08:00 00:59:49 18
Jon Low NEJ Runners 01:07:57 00:31:30 00:36:27 19
Kate Evan-Jones NEJ Runners 01:08:30 00:20:00 00:48:30 20
Diane Lorkin NEJ Runners 01:08:52 00:08:00 01:00:52 21
Natalia Peskareva Plumstead Runners 01:08:53 00:24:30 00:44:23 22
Lawrence Robinson Plumstead Runners 01:09:02 00:33:00 00:36:02 23
Sylvia Curtis NEJ Runners 01:09:04 -00:15:00 01:25:04 24
Graham Willsher Plumstead Runners 01:09:05 00:25:00 00:44:05 25
Nicole Bonnet Plumstead Runners 01:09:08 00:29:00 00:40:08 26
Nigel Kent NEJ Runners 01:09:11 00:23:30 00:45:41 27
Sharon Jenson Plumstead Runners 01:09:13 00:14:00 00:55:13 28
Keith Bygrave Plumstead Runners 01:09:20 00:28:30 00:40:50 29
Stephen Dipre NEJ Runners 01:09:22 00:32:00 00:37:22 30
Martin Alexander Plumstead Runners 01:09:26 00:30:00 00:39:26 31
Andrew Duff Plumstead Runners 01:09:30 00:17:00 00:52:30 32
Penny Phillips Plumstead Runners 01:09:31 00:04:00 01:05:31 33
Carol Marsh NEJ Runners 01:09:33 00:24:00 00:45:33 34
Peter Haywood NEJ Runners 01:09:34 00:22:00 00:47:34 35
Pete Cane NEJ Runners 01:09:40 00:22:30 00:47:10 36
Kelly Harris NEJ Runners 01:09:52 00:26:30 00:43:22 37
Paul Hiles Plumstead Runners 01:10:01 00:28:30 00:41:31 38
Graham Brown NEJ Runners 01:10:06 00:23:30 00:46:36 39
Agata Kasprzyk NEJ Runners 01:10:12 00:27:00 00:43:12 40
Debra Norman Plumstead Runners 01:10:21 00:04:00 01:06:21 41
Alan Jackaman NEJ Runners 01:10:48 00:13:00 00:57:48 42
John Leach NEJ Runners 01:10:57 00:08:00 01:02:57 43
Andrew Vero Plumstead Runners 01:11:10 00:28:00 00:43:10 44
Ian Milton Plumstead Runners 01:11:19 00:19:00 00:52:19 45
Anthony Lobo NEJ Runners 01:11:42 00:35:00 00:36:42 46
Martyn Millard NEJ Runners 01:11:43 00:35:00 00:36:43 47
Dave Warren Plumstead Runners 01:12:16 00:00:00 01:12:16 48
Jim Stillman NEJ Runners 01:12:23 00:15:00 00:57:23 49=
Leigh Longhurst NEJ Runners 01:12:23 00:35:00 00:37:23 49=
Ryan Wait Unaffiliated 01:12:46 00:19:00 00:53:46 50
Hugo McGregor-Davies Plumstead Runners 01:13:12 00:34:00 00:39:12 51
Russell Buchanan Plumstead Runners 01:13:33 00:30:00 00:43:33 52
Vikki Walsh Plumstead Runners 01:14:49 00:14:00 01:00:49 53
Kimi Turna Plumstead Runners 01:14:55 00:14:00 01:00:55 54
Chris Wait Plumstead Runners 01:15:08 00:21:30 00:53:38 55
Sam Risby NEJ Runners 01:15:35 00:31:30 00:44:05 56


Although Rebecca and Amanda White were the first runners home, their handicaps did not represent their ability, so to be fair I have started the finishing positions with Joanne Baltruschat who came in third.

Timekeeper/Handicapper: Jim Anderson

Marshalls: My thanks to all the marshals, if I have missed anyone from the list, my apologies.
Cathy Morgan, John Colton, John McQuillen, Jim Williams, Ian Scott, Louise Smith, Emma Killick, Les Howson, Angie Charkiewicz, Russel Grant, Peter Norman, William Matthews and Katie Woodward. Special thanks to Jim Williams and Ian Scott, who marked out the course.

10km Handicap, 3rd April 2019

Name Handicap Elapsed Time Net Time Position
William Sowden 14:30 01:06:43 00:52:13 1
Gina Little 09:00 01:06:53 00:57:53 2
Keith Bygrave 22:15 01:08:22 00:46:07 3
Hugo McGregor-Davies 27:00 01:08:58 00:41:58 4
Stuart Banham 06:30 01:09:15 01:02:45 5
Graham Willsher 21:45 01:09:53 00:48:08 6
Vikki Russell 15:30 01:10:26 00:54:56 7
Monica Terraza 15:00 01:10:33 00:55:33 8
Jacob Hussey 30:00 01:10:58 00:40:58 9
Shazia Khan 16:30 01:11:10 00:54:40 10
Martin Alexander 27:30 01:11:19 00:43:49 11
Phillip Holland 30:00 01:11:36 00:41:36 12
Russell Buchanan 27:30 01:11:39 00:44:09 13
Andy Johnson 12:00 01:11:51 00:59:51 14
Chris Wait 17:00 01:11:58 00:54:58 15
Luke Speller 27:00 01:12:39 00:45:39 16
Robert Lenihan 24:30 01:13:11 00:48:41 17
Emma Killick 05:00 01:13:25 01:08:25 18
Ian Milton 16:00 01:14:14 00:58:14 19
Louise Smith 00:00 01:15:47 01:15:47 20
Jackie Ailey 01:00 01:18:32 01:17:32 21
Lee Collins 01:00 01:18:32 01:17:32 21


My thanks to all the marshals, we couldn't run the race without their help especially John and Natalia who cycled round, Natalia acting as tail bringing the last runners home. A good turnout on what was a quite a cold evening, great run by Will, who just managed to pip Gina at the end, well done to all.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Jim Williams, John Colton, Lynn Warner, Ian Scott, Peter Norman, Natalia Peskareva, Penny Phillips, Adrian Hollman, Dave Warren, Darren Culverwell and Paul Hiles

10km Handicap, 24th October 2018

Name Handicap Elapsed Time Net Time Position
Stuart Banham 07:00 1:06:16 0:59:16 1
Les Pullen 01:30 1:07:23 1:05:53 2
William Sowden 10:00 1:07:32 0:57:32 3
Peter Griffiths 19:00 1:10:12 0:51:12 4
Danielle McTaggart 08:00 1:10:47 1:02:47 5
Ray Marshall 08:00 1:10:56 1:02:56 6
Robert Lenihan 24:30 1:11:47 0:47:17 7
Daniel Cox 26:30 1:12:02 0:45:32 8
Andrew Duff 18:30 1:12:06 0:53:36 9
Martin Alexander 29:00 1:12:34 0:43:34 10
Russell Buchanan 28:30 1:12:48 0:44:18 11
Vikki Russell 16:30 1:12:59 0:56:29 12
Kimi Turna 11:00 1:14:34 1:03:34 13
Chris Wait 20:00 1:14:53 0:54:53 14
Gina Little 12:00 1:14:59 1:02:59 15
Graham Willsher 12:00 1:14:59 1:02:59 16
Adrian Hollman 07:00 1:15:51 1:08:51 17
Jessica Howson 25:00 1:17:01 0:52:01 18
Geoff Goodwin 13:30 1:17:35 1:04:05 19
Emma Killick 12:30 1:18:43 1:06:13 20


My thanks to all the marshals, without them it would be almost impossible to run the handicaps. A great night for a run, well done to Stuart, who ran a blinder to come home first. Martin once again posted the fastest time on the night.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Debbie Cox, Jim Williams, John Colton, Vanessa Robinson, Ian Scott, Steve Grundy, Nicole Bonnett, Keith Bygrave, Robin Bell, Lawrence Robinson, Lee Collins and Louise Smith

10 Mile Handicap, 9th September 2018

Name Elapsed Time Handicap Net Time Position
Daniel Cox 1:33:53 14:00 1:19:53 1
Lynn Boston(NEJ) 1:41:29 15:00 1:26:29 2
Ian Chidwick(NEJ) 1:42:14 25:00 1:17:14 3
Andrew Vero 1:45:17 27:00 1:18:17 4
Kate Evan-Jones(NEJ) 1:46:04 15:00 1:31:04 5
Agata Kasprzyk(NEJ) 1:46:04 15:00 1:31:04 5
Cathie Warner(NEJ) 1:46:21 13:00 1:33:21 7
Martin Alexander 1:46:56 35:30 1:11:26 8
Natalia Peskareva 1:48:46 26:00 1:22:46 9
Paul Hiles 1:48:56 31:00 1:17:56 10
Mick Lydon(NEJ) 1:49:55 12:00 1:37:55 11
Tina Johnson(NEJ) 1:49:55 10:00 1:39:55 11
Russell Buchanan 1:50:27 38:00 1:12:27 13
Leslie Howson 1:51:24 30:00 1:21:24 14
Vikki Russell 1:52:37 17:00 1:35:37 15
Geoff Goodwin 1:53:41 10:00 1:43:41 16
Kimi Turna 1:53:41 10:00 1:43:41 16
Robert Lenihan 1:54:33 29:00 1:25:33 18
Janet Smith(NEJ) 1:54:44 12:00 1:42:44 19
Jane Scanlon(NEJ) 1:54:44 12:00 1:42:44 19


My thanks to all the marshals, especially to Dave Warren & Dave Winfield who covered two bases each, the handicap couldn't take place without the help of all the marshals. We welcomed a contingent of New Eltham Joggers who hopefully all enjoyed the event. Well done to Daniel who had a great run, although his handicap was perhaps a bit generous, I believe he would still have come home first even if I had given him a more challenging handicap.
Martin had a great run and posted the fastest time on the day.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Steve Grundy, Debbie & Peter Norman, Ian Scott, Chris Wait, Dave Warren, Jim Williams and Dave Winfield

Cross Country Handicap, 20th June 2018

Name Elapsed Time Handicap Net Time Position
Jessica Howson 1:03:12 0:17:00 00:46:12 1
Russell Buchanan 1:06:17 0:26:00 00:40:17 2
Martin Alexander 1:06:44 0:26:00 00:40:44 3
Dave Appasawmy 1:06:51 0:28:00 00:38:51 4
Ian Milton 1:07:43 0:16:00 00:51:43 5
Lawrence Robinson 1:07:47 0:30:30 00:37:17 6
Nicole Bonnet 1:08:01 0:27:00 00:41:01 7
Stephen Shine 1:08:05 0:29:00 00:39:05 8
Andrew Duff 1:08:32 0:29:30 00:39:02 9
Keith Bygrave 1:08:41 0:28:00 00:40:41 10
Robert Lenihan 1:08:55 0:23:00 00:45:55 11
Hugo McGregor-Davies 1:09:02 0:32:00 00:37:02 12
Emma Killick 1:12:04 0:01:00 01:11:04 13
Steve Gorrard-Smith 1:20:26 0:15:00 01:05:26 14


A great night for a run, not too hot and the rain kept off fortunately. My thanks to all the marshalls, especially Ray who marked the course out with flour. The race couldn't take place without all your help. A good run by Jessica, who despite asking for a worse handicap, still managed to romp home. Vikki unfortunately picked up an injury and did not finish, Kimi, who did the London-Brighton on Saturday, only completed one lap. Hugo and Lawrence were vying for fastest time, with Hugo just making it by 15 seconds. Well done to all who took part, especially Steve, who once again suffered from the handicapper, I'll get it right next time I promise.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Ray Marshall, John Colton, Steve Grundy, Chris Wait, Lynn Warner, Vanessa Robinson, Ian Scott, Andrew Taylor, Deborah Cox, Katie Woodward, Dave Winfield, Adrian Hollman, Steve Wilson, Natalia Peskareva and Paul Hiles

10 km Handicap, 4th April 2018

Name Elapsed Time Handicap Net Time Position
Dave Appasawmy 1:02:27 0:16:40 00:45:47 1
Vikki Russell 1:07:41 0:12:00 00:55:41 2
Danielle McTaggart 1:07:52 0:11:00 00:56:52 3
Graham Willsher 1:09:33 0:20:00 00:48:36 4
Katie Woodward 1:08:51 0:16:30 00:52:21 5
Les Howson 1:09:30 0:20:15 00:49:15 6
Chris Wait 1:09:44 0:16:00 00:53:44 7
Paul Hiles 1:09:57 0:23:30 00:46:27 8
Richard Vero 1:10:01 0:27:00 00:43:01 9
Louise Smith 1:10:33 0:02:00 01:08:33 10
Phillip Holland 1:11:29 0:29:30 00:41:59 11
Russell Buchanan 1:12:05 0:28:30 00:43:35 12
Lawrence Robinson 1:12:21 0:29:00 00:43:21 13
Ray Marshall 1:12:29 0:09:30 01:02:59 14
Kimi Kaur 1:13:14 0:12:00 01:01:14 15
James Williams 1:13:51 0:10:30 01:03:21 16
Sam Cole 1:14:36 0:24:00 00:50:36 17
Emma Killick 1:14:58 0:05:30 01:09:28 18
Vikki Walsh 1:15:15 0:12:00 01:03:15 19
Daniel Vero 1:15:33 0:27:30 00:48:03 20
Les Pullen 1:18:39 0:08:00 01:10:39 21
Lee Collins 1:18:42 0:07:00 01:11:42 22
Clive Chipping 1:20:19 0:10:00 01:10:19 23
Steve Gorrard-Smith 1:22:29 0:10:15 01:12:14 24


My sincere thanks to all the marshals, without whom it would be impossible to run the event.
An almost perfect evening for running, which was reflected in some excellent times, Dave Appasawmy, who finished first, was running as a guest and was not eligible for the trophy, So Vikki Russell, who ran a personal best time by almost five minutes was first Plum home. My apologies to anyone who felt I had over handicapped them, I do my best.
Finally, hard luck to Ronnie John, who had been misinformed on the route of the course, not by me I hasten to add, and proceeded to run it in reverse and then managed to get lost as well.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Vanessa Robinson, Louise Tarsky, Lynn Warner, Ian Scott, Darren Culverwell, Kerry/Ellie Arbuckle, Ryan Tilley, Steve Grundy, Dave Warren, Dave Winfield

10 km Handicap, 25th October 2017

Name Elapsed Time Handicap Net Time Position
Vikki Walsh 1:03:10 0:00:00 01:03:10 1
Richard Vero 1:05:28 0:20:30 00:44:58 2
Robert Lenihan 1:09:07 0:21:30 00:47:37 3
Sophie Colton 1:09:33 0:12:00 00:57:33 4
Geoff Goodwin 1:10:01 0:11:30 00:58:31 5
Gary Cambridge 1:11:38 0:19:00 00:52:38 6
Darren Culverwell 1:11:51 0:23:00 00:48:51 7
Hugo McGregor-Davies 1:12:09 0:31:00 00:41:09 8
Keith Bygrave 1:12:11 0:27:30 00:44:41 9
Jo Conway 1:12:12 0:03:30 01:08:42 10
Ian Milton 1:12:21 0:16:00 00:56:21 11
Emma Killick 1:12:41 0:05:30 01:07:11 12
Chris Wait 1:13:08 0:16:30 00:56:38 13
Louise Tarsky 1:13:21 0:22:30 00:50:51 14
Nicole Bonnet 1:13:22 0:27:00 00:46:22 15
Ryan Tilley 1:13:38 0:29:00 00:44:38 16
Russell Buchanan 1:13:41 0:30:00 00:43:41 17
Clive Chipping 1:13:44 0:11:00 01:02:44 18
Martin Alexander 1:13:55 0:30:30 00:43:25 19
Christine St Matthew-Daniel 1:14:26 0:00:00 01:14:26 20
Carol Marsh 1:14:43 0:25:30 00:49:13 21
Graham Brown 1:15:37 0:24:30 00:51:07 22
Dawn Keenan 1:16:32 0:12:00 01:04:32 23
Alan Lado 1:20:10 0:08:00 01:12:10 24


My thanks to all the marshals, without whom the race couldn't take place. A perfect evening and some fine performances, Vikki had an excellent run to come home first, unfortunately as she was not officially a member of the club was not eligible for the cup. Richard, who also had a great run was therefore first Plum home. Hugo was fastest on the night, with a time of 41.09. Congratulations to all who took part.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Jim Williams, Ian Scott, John Colton, Suzie Mackenzie, Ray Marshall, Les Pullen and Paul Hiles.

10 Mile Handicap, 10th September 2017

Name Elapsed Time Handicap Net Time Position
Gina Little 1:32:43 0:00:00 1:32:43 1
Martin Alexander 1:33:33 0:19:00 1:14:33 2
Andrew Law 1:33:41 0:20:00 1:13:41 3
Stephen Shine 1:34:21 0:19:00 1:15:21 4
Darren Culverwell 1:34:48 0:12:00 1:22:48 5
Natalia Peskareva 1:35:02 0:11:00 1:24:02 6
Russell Buchanan 1:35:39 0:23:00 1:12:39 7
James Otter 1:35:56 0:20:00 1:15:56 8
Paul Hiles 1:35:58 0:18:00 1:17:58 9
David Stickland 1:36:45 0:17:30 1:19:15 10
Robert Lenihan 1:39:08 0:18:00 1:21:08 11
Graham Willsher 1:39:28 0:13:00 1:26:28 12
Paul Emery 1:40:58 0:20:00 1:20:58 13
Graham Brown 1:41:08 0:17:30 1:23:38 14


Timekeeper: Lee Walker
Marshalls: Steve Grundy, Les Pullen, Jim Williams, Ian Scott and Geoff Goodwin.

Cross Country Handicap, 21st June 2017

Name Elapsed Time Handicap Net Time Position
Leigh Longhurst 1:04:18 0:23:00 0:41:18 1
Kimi Kaur 1:07:12 0:12:00 0:55:12 2
Catherine Warner 1:07:18 0:12:00 0:55:18 3
Lawrence Robinson 1:07:49 0:14:00 0:53:49 4
Nigel Jollands 1:08:38 0:29:00 0:39:38 5
Hugo McGregor-Davies 1:09:16 0:31:00 0:38:16 6
Andy Law 1:10:37 0:30:00 0:40:37 7
Carol Marsh 1:10:59 0:27:00 0:43:59 8
Ian Milton 1:11:16 0:18:00 0:53:16 9
Darren Culverwell 1:11:21 0:21:00 0:50:21 10
Lee Collins 1:11:42 0:03:00 1:08:42 11
Dichphat Sam 1:11:58 0:23:00 0:48:58 12
Nicole Bonnet 1:12:04 0:30:00 0:42:04 13
Dave Field 1:12:27 0:23:00 0:49:27 14
Keith Bygrave 1:12:48 0:30:00 0:42:48 15
Paul Millar 1:12:53 0:28:30 0:44:23 16
Natalia Peskareva 1:12:53 0:27:30 0:45:23 17
Jan Baltruschat 1:13:49 0:27:30 0:46:19 18
John Williams 1:14:03 0:24:00 0:50:03 19
Graham Brown 1:14:36 0:26:30 0:48:06 20
Daniel Vero 1:15:55 0:29:00 0:46:55 21
Michael Selway 1:15:06 0:28:00 0:47:06 22
Peter Cane 1:15:41 0:21:30 0:54:11 23
Martin Alexander 1:15:57 0:31:00 0:44:57 24
Gary Cambridge 1:16:37 0:25:00 0:51:37 25
Francis Mahon 1:16:58 0:27:00 0:49:58 26
Russell Buchanan 1:17:06 0:32:00 0:45:06 27
John Leach 1:18:19 0:14:00 1:04:19 28
Steve Walker 1:18:51 0:21:30 0:57:21 29
Peter Griffiths 1:18:58 0:31:00 0:47:58 30
Vanessa Robinson 1:21:16 0:02:00 1:19:16 31
Emma Killick 1:22:25 0:13:30 1:08:55 32
Janet Lugton 1:22:35 0:19:30 1:03:05 33
Janet Smith 1:22:35 0:19:30 1:03:05 34
Jessica Howson 1:23:52 0:25:30 0:59:52 35
Jennifer Madden 1:28:39 0:19:30 1:09:09 36


This years cross country handicap saw Plumstead Runners welcome a contingent from New Eltham Joggers, and although the weather was fine it was very hot, which resulted in two runners, Andrew Duff and Chris Wait not completing the course, additionally Dave Warren and Andrew Vero sustained injuries and also did not finish. My thanks to all the marshals especially Richard Vero and Ray Marshall, who helped mark out the course.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Ray Marshall, John Ryall, Stuart Banham, Steve Grundy, Amy Green, Lynn Warner, Chris Fenton, Ian Scott, Paul Hiles, Graham Willsher, Deborah Cox, Geoff Goodwin, Geoff Tredray, John Bryant, Richard Vero.

10 km Handicap, 5th April 2017

Name Elapsed Time Handicap Net Time Position
Sam Cole 1:05:43 0:17:30 0:48:13 1
Jo Conway 1:06:35 0:02:00 1:04:35 2
Steve Northcott 1:09:15 0:23:00 0:46:15 3
Graham Brown 1:09:34 0:21:30 0:48:04 4
Stephen Shine 1:09:56 0:23:15 0:46:41 5
Gina Little 1:10:00 0:09:15 1:00:45 6
Nicole Bonnet 1:10:43 0:25:45 0:44:58 7
Chris Wait 1:10:54 0:16:45 0:54:09 8
Carol Marsh 1:10:55 0:24:00 0:46:55 9
James Nutt 1:11:31 0:20:30 0:51:01 10
Keith Bygrave 1:11:52 0:25:30 0:46:22 11
Christine Fenton 1:12:32 0:09:30 1:03:02 12
Robert Lenihan 1:13:17 0:25:00 0:48:17 13
Geoff Goodwin 1:14:52 0:16:00 0:58:52 14
Dave Warren 1:15:24 0:02:20 1:13:04 15
Emma Killick 1:17:45 0:12:30 1:05:15 16
Dave Tyler 1:18:38 0:22:00 0:56:38 17


Many thanks to all the marshals who turned out on what was a chilly evening, although dry and ideal for running, it would be impossible to stage without their help.
Great run by Sam, who confounded the handicapper, and well done to all those who took part.
My apologies to any who felt hard done by with their handicap.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Guy Marchegiani, Richard Vero, Jim Williams, Ian Scott, Bob Lawes, Suzie Mackenzie, Graham Willsher, Louise Tarsky, Ray Marshall, Les Pullen, Mary Jacob, Paul Hiles and Andrew Law.

10 km Handicap, 19th October 2016

Name Elapsed Time Handicap Net Time Position
Graham Brown 1:06:31 0:16:00 0:50:31 1
Ellie Arbuckle 1:06:36 0:13:15 0:53:21 2
Ian Milton 1:09:35 0:14:00 0:55:35 3
Natalia Peskareva 1:10:01 0:12:00 0:58:01 4
Chris Wait 1:10:27 0:15:00 0:55:27 5
Richard Vero 1:10:52 0:20:00 0:50:52 6
Dave Tyler 1:11:04 0:21:00 0:50:04 7
Francis Mahon 1:11:09 0:18:00 0:53:09 8
Stuart Banham 1:11:20 0:05:30 1:05:50 9
Amy Green 1:11:33 0:14:30 0:57:03 10
Jacob Hussey 1:11:54 0:31:00 0:40:54 11
Stephanie Cramp 1:12:34 0:19:30 0:53:04 12
Carol Marsh 1:13:11 0:22:30 0:50:41 13
Robin Bell 1:13:34 0:12:00 1:01:34 14
Keith Bygrave 1:13:46 0:27:00 0:46:46 15
Robert Lenihan 1:14:06 0:23:00 0:51:06 16
Beth Burnett 1:14:14 0:21:00 0:53:14 17
Graham Willsher 1:14:22 0:23:30 0:50:52 18
Nicole Bonnet 1:14:37 0:27:30 0:47:07 19
Dave Warren 1:15:15 0:04:00 1:11:15 20
Christine Fenton 1:15:34 0:11:00 1:04:34 21
Andrew Taylor 1:16:35 0:19:00 0:57:35 22
Lee Walker 1:17:18 0:09:00 1:08:18 23
Gary Cambridge 1:23:47 0:21:00 1:02:47 24

Grateful thanks to all the marshals who encourage the runners and help the race to run smoothly. Great turnout on what was a pleasant evening for running, although a little chilly for the marshals. Fine runs by Graham Brown and Ellie Arbuckle, Graham managing to win by a mere 5 seconds, well done.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Guy Marchegiani, Jim Williams, James Otter, Suzie MacKenzie, Lynn Warner, Gina Little, Les Pullen, Steve Grundy, Paul Hiles and Ray Marshall

10 Mile Handicap, 11th September 2016

Name Elapsed Time Handicap Net Time Position
Keith Bygrave 1:44:13 0:27:00 1:17:13 1
Nicole Bonnet 1:44:36 0:28:00 1:16:36 2
Alan Lado 1:46:04 0:02:00 1:44:04 3
Gina Little 1:47:08 0:10:00 1:37:08 4
Phillip Holland 1:49:14 0:32:00 1:17:14 5
Graham Willsher 1:51:15 0:30:00 1:21:15 6
Russell Buchanan 1:51:55 0:39:00 1:12:55 7
Ellie Arbuckle 1:52:00 0:17:30 1:34:30 8=
Jessica Howson 1:52:00 0:17:30 1:34:30 8=
Gabriel Hall 1:53:05 0:40:30 1:12:35 10
Andrew Law 1:54:02 0:38:00 1:16:02 11
Amy Green 1:54:06 0:23:00 1:31:06 12
Paul Hiles 1:57:36 0:40:00 1:17:36 13
Kerry Arbuckle 1:59:44 0:18:00 1:41:44 14=
Tricia Hulse 1:59:44 0:18:00 1:41:44 14=
Peter Griffiths 2:03:02 0:43:45 1:19:17 16

Great morning for a run, my thanks to all the marshalls who make it so much easier to run this event.
Well done to Keith who managed to hold off Nicole and come home first, and congratulations to Gabriel Hall, who posted the fastest time of the day.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Geoff Goodwin, Dave Warren, Lee Collins, Steve Grundy, Chris Wait and Les Pullen

Cross Country Handicap, 22nd June 2016

Name Elapsed Time Handicap Net Time Position
Jacob Hussey 1:04:04 0:25:30 0:38:34 1
Amy Green 1:04:21 0:10:00 0:54:21 2
Gabriel Hall 1:04:35 0:24:30 0:40:05 3
Nicole Bonnet 1:04:39 0:21:50 0:42:49 4
Graham Brown 1:05:03 0:16:30 0:48:33 5
Keith Bygrave 1:05:27 0:21:30 0:43:57 6
Neal Long 1:05:51 0:25:00 0:40:51 7
Dawn Saunders 1:06:05 0:22:50 0:43:15 8
Ellie Arbuckle 1:06:06 0:08:00 0:58:06 9
Kerry Arbuckle 1:06:07 0:08:00 0:58:07 10
Peter Griffiths 1:06:33 0:25:00 0:41:33 11
Colin Hyde 1:06:35 0:24:00 0:42:35 12
Francis Mahon 1:07:37 0:20:30 0:47:07 13
Peter Ratcliffe 1:07:58 0:18:00 0:49:58 14
Tricia Hulse 1:08:24 0:09:00 0:59:24 15
Sam Cole 1:08:32 0:17:30 0:51:02 16
Geoff Goodwin 1:08:43 0:14:30 0:54:13 17
Richard Vero 1:09:18 0:21:00 0:48:18 18
Graham Willsher 1:09:21 0:22:30 0:46:51 19
Daniel Garvey 1:10:19 0:22:00 0:48:19 20
Dave Tyler 1:10:28 0:17:00 0:53:28 21
Ian Milton 1:10:46 0:16:00 0:54:46 22
Dave Warren 1:10:54 0:00:00 1:10:54 23=
Lee Collins 1:10:54 0:00:00 1:10:54 23=
Chris Wait 1:13:11 0:16:20 0:56:51 25
Gina Little 1:13:12 0:12:30 1:00:42 26
Steve Gorrard-Smith 1:17:48 0:11:00 1:06:48 27
Lee Walker 1:18:14 0:15:00 1:03:14 28

Great night for a run, although the course was extremely muddy and hard going. My thanks to all the marshalls who were much appreciated by the runners, special thanks to Ray who had marked out the course with flour.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Jim Williams, Steve Grundy, Becky Jones, Jessica Howson, Ray Marshall, Les Pullen, James Otter, and Paul Hiles.

10 km Handicap, 6th April 2016

Name Start Finish Split Position
Graham Willsher 6:46:00 7:34.35 0:48:35 1
Geoff Goodwin 6:39:00 7:35:01 0:56:01 2
Stephanie Cramp 6:44:00 7:36:31 0:52:31 3
Jessica Howson 6:45:00 7:37:38 0:52:38 4
Graham Brown 6:40:30 7:37:57 0:57:27 5
Lynn Warner 6:35:30 7:38:12 1:02:42 6
Andrew Vero 6:52:30 7:38:19 0:45:49 7
Andy Law 6:53:15 7:38:27 0:45:12 8
Russell Buchanan 6:54:30 7:38:39 0:44:09 9
Lee Collins 6:36:00 7:39:40 1:03:40 10
Kerry Arbuckle 6:41:00 7:39:44 0:58:44 11
Aimee McGinn 6:41:00 7:39:45 0:58:45 12
Tessa Hales 6:48:30 7:39:46 0:51:16 13
Christine Fenton 6:40:30 7:40:02 0:59:32 14
James Otter 6:55:00 7:40:32 0:45:32 15
Gabriel Hall 6:56:00 7:41:04 0:45:04 16
Jacob Hussey 7:00:00 7:41:09 0:41:09 17
Ian Milton 6:43:00 7:41:15 0:58:15 18
Dawn Saunders 6:57:30 7:41:39 0:44:09 19
Eddie Parry 6:32:00 7:42:14 1:10:14 20
Paul Hiles 6:54:00 7:43:01 0:49:01 21
Alan Lado 6:36:30 7:43:15 1:06:45 22
Richard Vero 6:51:30 7:43:29 0:51:59 23
Steve Gorrard-Smith 6:36:30 7:44:34 1:08:04 24
Bob Lawes 6:52:00 7:45:44 0:53:44 25

Not the best of weather for a handicap, cold and windy. Thanks to all the marshalls who turned out, their support was much appreciated by all the runners.
Great runs by Graham, Geoff and Stephanie, who all improved their times from the last race.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Jim Williams, Chris Wait, Ray Marshall, Les Pullen, Guy Marchegiani, Ian Scott, Ellie Arbuckle, Gina Little, Tricia Hulse and mate, Lorna Howson and kids.

10 km Handicap, 21st October 2015

Name Start Finish Split Position
Sophie Colton 6:31:30 7:32:30 1:01:00 1
Suzie Mackenzie 6:31:30 7:32:56 1:01:26 2
Nicole Bonnet 6:47:00 7:36:21 0:49:21 3
Keith Bygrave 6:47:00 7:36:46 0:49:46 4
Stephanie Cramp 6:37:15 7:37:20 1:00:05 5
Ian Milton 6:41:00 7:38:06 0:57:06 6
Paul Hiles6:52:307:38:110:45:417
Chris Wait6:40:307:38:170:57:478
Jacob Hussey7:00:007:39:020:39:029
Peter Griffiths6:58:007:39:060:41:0610
Lynn Warner6:37:307:40:371:03:0711
John Driscoll6:45:307:40:570:55:2712
Richard Vero6:53:007:41:020:48:0213
Jessica Howson6:44:007:41:050:57:0514=
Ellie Arbuckle6:44:007:41:050:57:0514=
Russell Buchanan6:55:157:41:220:46:0716
Peter Ratcliffe6:49:007:42:110:53:1117
Steve Gorrard-Smith6:36:307:42:161:05:4618
Christine Fenton6:42:307:42:180:59:4819
Ray Marshall6:38:307:42:461:04:1620
Sam Cole6:48:307:42:550:54:2521
Tessa Hales6:51:307:42:590:51:2922
Lee Collins6:40:007:43:101:03:1023=
Geoff Goodwin6:43:007:43:101:00:1023=
Harry Patterson6:54:307:43:260:48:5625
Ian Scott 6:47:00 7:44:04 0:57:04 26
Robin Bell 6:45:15 7:45:24 1:00:09 27
Daniel Vero 6:54:30 7:45:55 0:51:25 28
Gabriel Hall 6:55:30 7:47:15 0:51:45 29
Graham Willsher 6:53:15 7:47:20 0:54:05 30
Dawn Keenan 6:41:30 7:48:30 1:07:00 31
Dave Tyler 6:51:00 7:48:51 0:57:51 32

A great turnout, many thanks to all the marshalls.
Although Sophie was first across the line she was running as a guest, so the first Plum home was Suzie, who had an excellent run. Nicole who only joined the morning of the race was therefore second plum, and as Keith only joined after the race, Stephanie was third. Harry and Ellie also ran as a guests.
Dave Tyler was running with an injury, so his time is not a true reflection.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Gina Little, Jim Williams, John Colton, Andrew Vero and Guy Marchegiani

10 mile Handicap, 4th October 2015

Name Start Finish Split Position
Sam Cole 09:09:30 10:36:09 1:26:39 1
Paul Hiles 09:27:30 10:39:52 1:12:22 2
Andrew Vero 09:22:00 10:40:12 1:18:12 3
Dawn Keenan 09:00:00 10:40:53 1:40:53 4=
Nicola Ernest 09:00:00 10:40:53 1:40:53 4=
Jacob Hussey 09:40:00 10:43:22 1:03:22 6
Tessa Hales 09:15:00 10:43:48 1:28:48 7
Gabriel Hall 09:33:00 10:45:42 1:12:42 8
Zak Saurin 09:40:00 10:46:10 1:06:10 9
Peter Griffiths 09:38:00 10:47:20 1:09:20 10
Russell Buchanan 09:34:00 10:47:23 1:13:23 11
Gina Little 09:15:00 10:48:19 1:33:19 12
Graham Willsher 09:27:00 10:48:43 1:21:43 13
Stephanie Cramp 09:08:30 10:48:49 1:40:49 14
Geoff Goodwin 09:12:00 10:49:12 1:37:12 15
Lee Collins 09:04:20 10:50:41 1:46:21 16
Ray Marshall 09:14:00 10:52:11 1:38:11 17
Dave Tyler 09:29:00 10:55:51 1:26:51 18

A perfect morning for running and a fairly good turnout. Many thanks to the marshalls, and a special thanks to Dee for organising the drinks station. A great race by Sam, who exceeded expectations. Consolations to Stephanie, who managed to go off course, cross country even, and to Dave who ran in spite of carrying an injury.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Richard Vero, Jim Williams, Bob Lawes, Les Pullen and Lynn Warner
Drink Station: Dee Goodwin, Pauline Austen, David Bailey

Cross Country Handicap 17th June 2015

Name Start Finish Split Position
Gary Cambridge 6:43:15 7:28:49 0:45:34 1
Peter Griffiths 6:54:00 7:29:06 0:35:06 2
Richard John 6:44:00 7:29:44 0:45:44 3
Richard Vero 6:48:00 7:30:21 0:42:21 4
Geoff Goodwin 6:41:00 7:30:39 0:49:39 5
Ian Milton 6:42:00 7:31:11 0:49:11 6
Paul Hiles 6:51:00 7:31:48 0:40:48 7
Tricia Hulse 6:34:00 7:31:51 0:57:51 8=
Christine Fenton 6:34:00 7:31:51 0:57:51 8=
Gabriel Hall 6:53:00 7:32:07 0:39:07 10
James Otter 6:52:30 7:32:21 0:39:51 11
Russell Buchanan 6:50:45 7:32:28 0:41:43 12
Lee Walker 6:43:30 7:34:08 0:50:38 13
Gina Little 6:43:00 7:34:26 0:51:26 14
Alan Lado 6:37:00 7:44:00 1:07:00 15*
Chris Wait 6:38:30 DNF    
Daniel Garvey 6:45:00 DNF    
Sophie Colton 6:34:00 7:03:30 0:29:30  

Timekeeper:Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Ray Marshall, Steve Wilson, Kit Claxton, Les Pullen, Steve Grundy, Lynn Warner, Becky Jones, Andy Vero, Daniel Vero, Guy Marchegiani, Dave Tyler & Family

A pleasant evening for a run, many thanks to all the marshalls and especially to Ray who marked out the course with flour. Unfortunately both Chris Wait and Daniel Garvey took wrong turns and did not complete the course. Alan Lado also took a couple of wrong turns and ended up running slightly extra, hence his long time. Sophie Colton ran as a guest for just the one lap. Well done to Gary Cambridge who held off Peter Griffiths, despite him running the best time of the night.

10 km Handicap, 8th April 2015

Name Start Finish Split Position
John Lyons 6:44:30 7:28:11 0:43:41 1
Gabriel Hall 6:47:00 7:31:37 0:44:37 2
Lee Walker 6:38:30 7:32:59 0:54:29 3
Gary Cambridge 6:37:30 7:33:01 0:55:31 4
Gary Witt 6:43:30 7:33:51 0:50:21 5
Jacob Hussey 6:55:00 7:34:24 0:39:24 6
Geoff Goodwin 6:38:00 7:34:46 0:56:46 7
Bob Lawes 6:48:30 7:36:26 0:47:56 8
James Otter 6:53:30 7:37:16 0:43:46 9
Christine Fenton 6:35:00 7:37:21 1:02:21 10
Lynn Warner 6:36:00 7:37:34 1:01:34 11
Russell Buchanan 6:53:00 7:37:37 0:44:37 12
Dave Tyler 6:51:00 7:37:48 0:46:38 13
Gina Little 6:42:00 7:37:41 0:55:41 14
Dawn Saunders 6:50:00 7:37:51 0:47:51 15
Eddie Parry 6:40:00 7:38:11 0:58:11 16
Stephanie Cramp 6:35:30 7:38:16 1:02:46 17
Chris Wait 6:39:00 7:38:35 0:59:35 18
Richard John 6:42:30 7:38:37 0:56:07 19
Suzie Pearson 6:30:00 7:38:57 1:08:57 20
Karen Perry 6:32:00 7:38:56 1:06:56 21
Siobhán Palmer 6:43:00 7:40:41 0:57:41 22
Ray Marshall 6:40:30 7:41:49 1:01:19 23
Mikari Scipioni 6:37:00 7:43:05 1:06:05 24
Sam Cole 6:44:00 7:43:09 0:59:09 25
Tony Warnes 6:47:30 7:44:03 0:56:33 26
Steve Gorrard-Smith 6:45:00 7:51:48 1:06:48 27
Paul Hiles 6:52:00 DNF    

My thanks to all the marshalls and to Guy who assisted at the finish. Once again my apologies to anyone who felt hard done by their handicap, its not easy. Commiserations to Paul who had to pull out due to an injury.
John Lyons, who finished first, is not a member yet so was running as a guest.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson & Guy Marchegiani
Marshalls: Jim Williams, Richard Vero, Graham Wilsher, John Driscoll and Les Pullen

10 km Handicap, 24th October 2014

Name Start Finish Split Position
Les Pullen 6:38:00 7:33:41 0:55:41 1
Gabriel Hall 6:43:30 7:34:11 0:50:41 2
Graham Willsher 6:47:30 7:34:32 0:47:02 3
Lynn Warner 6:33:30 7:35:27 1:01:57 4
Keith Tanner 6:49:00 7:35:39 0:46:39 5
Mikari Scipioni 6:39:30 7:37:27 0:57:57 6
Dave Tyler 6:51:00 7:37:56 0:46:56 7
Francis Mahon 6:48:30 7:38:09 0:49:39 8
Siobhán Palmer 6:43.30 7:38:23 0:54:53 9
Eddie Parry 6:41:30 7:38:36 0:57:06 10
Lee Collins 6:38:30 7:38:39 1:00:09 11
Paul Hiles 6:51:30 7:38:58 0:47:28 12
Ray Marshall 6:40:30 7:39:04 0:58:34 13
Christine Fenton 6:32:00 7:39:19 1:07:19 14
Tony Warnes 6:46:00 7:39:55 0:53:55 15
Ian Milton 6:41:30 7:40:15 0:59:15 16
Ernie Cole 6:46:30 7:40:31 0:54:01 17
Steve Wilson 6:35:20 7:41:46 1:06.26 18
Geoff Goodwin 6:42:00 7:42.10 1:00.10 19
Lee Walker 6:47:00 7:43.18 0:56.18 20
Lee Edwards 6:52:20 7:44.02 0:51:42 21
Steve Gorrard-Smith 6:40:00 7:45.44 1:05.44 22
Denise Tanner 6:33.00 7:46.29 1:13.29 23

My thanks to all the marshalls and my apologies to anyone who felt hard done by their handicap. A great run by Les, who managed to knock almost five minutes of his previous time, condolences to Lee Edwards who took a wrong turn, and had to backtrack, and commiserations to Denise who had to answer a call of nature. Gabriel, who finished second, is not technically a member yet, so was running as a guest.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Jim Williams, Gina Little, Steve Grundy, John Colton and Ian Scott

10 mile Handicap, 14th September 2014

Name Start Finish Split Position
Tony Warnes 09:36:30 11:03:25 1:26:55 1
Richard Vero 09:53:00 11:07:55 1:14:55 2
Jake Hussey 10:03:00 11:09:54 1:06:54 3
Justin Griggs 09:50:00 11:10:18 1:20:18 4
Russell Ampofo 09:54:00 11:10:57 1:16:57 5
Dave Tyler 09:55:30 11:13:15 1:17:45 6
Bob Lawes 09:51:00 11:13:47 1:22:47 7
Lee Edwards 09:56:00 11:14:01 1:18:01 8
Graham Willsher 09:56:30 11:14:07 1:17:37 9
Junko Scipioni 09:35:00 11:14:38 1:39:38 10
Gina Little 09:43:00 11:14:54 1:31:54 11
Lee Collins 09:32:00 11:14:59 1:42:59 12
Chris Wait 09:42:00 11:17:11 1:35:11 13
Paul Hiles 10:00:30 11:20:03 1:19:33 14
Nellie 09:54:30 11:24:46 1:30:16 15
Francis Mahon 09:54:30 11:24:46 1:30:16 16
Simon Banks 09:44:40 11:41:05 1:56:25 17
Mikari Scipioni 09:36:00     DNF

A great day for a run and a good turnout, seventeen starters plus one dog (Nellie), who dragged Francis round and still managed to beat him. Unfortunately Mikari and Simon both managed to get lost, and in Mikari's case had to be picked up by car so did not receive a finish time. Simon ended up in Welling High Street, and claims to have run about twelve miles. Both Jake and Richard had excellent runs, but could not catch Tony who probably benefitted from a good handicap but also from a very good run himself. Well done to all who took part.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Ray Marshall, Les Pullen

Cross Country Handicap 18th June 2014

Name Start Finish Split Position
Jake Hussey 6:53:00 7:28:49 0:35:49 1
Keith Tanner 6:47:00 7:29:26 0:42:26 2
Gina Little 6:40:30 7:31:37 0:51:07 3
Simon Banks 6:41:30 7:32:39 0:51:09 4
Lee Edwards 6:49:00 7:32:44 0:43:44 5
Mikari Scipioni 6:37:30 7:32:47 0:55:17 6
Les Pullen 6:41:30 7:32:59 0:51:29 7
Paul Hiles 6:51:00 7:33:01 0:42:01 8
Richard Vero 6:47:30 7:33:17 0:45:47 9
Geoff Goodwin 6:40:45 7:34:03 0:53:18 10
Siobhán Palmer 6:46:00 7:34:15 0:48:15 11
Junko Scipioni 6:37:00 7:35:53 0:58:53 12
Lee Walker 6:45:30 7:36:12 0:50:42 13
Ian Milton 6:45:15 7:37:08 0:51:53 14
Steve Gorrard-Smith 6:38:45 7:38:16 0:59:31 15

A pleasant evening for a run, hopefully enjoyed by all, even with the added obstacle of a fallen tree to clamber over. Well done to Jake, who managed to knock over a minute off his previous time. Thanks to all the marshalls and especially Ray, who aided by Jim Anderson, marked out the course with flour.

Timekeeper:Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Jim Williams, Steve Grundy, Lynn Warner, Ian Scott, Ray Marshall. Steve Wilson, Lee Collins, Joshua Collins, Ray Edwards, Francis Mahon

10 km Handicap, 2nd April 2014

Name Start Finish Split Position
Steve Gorrard-Smith 6:34:50 7:33:45 0:58:55 1
Tony Warnes 6:37:00 7:35:41 0:58:41 2
Guy Marchegiani 6:36:00 7:36:38 1:00:38 3
Keith Tanner 6:50:00 7:37:01 0:47:01 4
Sioned Powell 6:34:20 7:37:47 1:03:27 5
Geoff Goodwin 6:41:00 7:38:17 0:57:17 6
Graham Willsher 6:51:00 7:38:20 0:47:20 7
Lee Walker 6:45:45 7:38:23 0:52:38 8
Claudia Brogelli 6:30:40 7:38:41 1:08:01 9
James Otter 6:53:00 7:38:52 0:45:52 10
Junko Scipioni 6:38:45 7:39:00 1:00:15 11
Mikari Scipioni 6:40:30 7:39:37 0:59:07 12
Siobhán Palmer 6:48:30 7:39:39 0:51:09 13
Ian Milton 6:44:00 7:40:09 0:56:09 14
Lynn Warner 6:39:30 7:40:21 1:00:51 15
Ray Marshall 6:38:30 7:40:25 1:01:55 16
Gary Cambridge 6:30:40 7:40:48 1:10:08 17
Gina Little 6:45:00 7:40:56 0:55:56 18
Ian Scott 6:48:00 7:42:33 0:54:33 19
Lee Collins 6:43:00 7:42:52 0:59:52 20
Les Pullen 6:44:30 7:43:26 0:59:56 21
Chris Wait 6:44:30 7:43:31 0:59:01 22
Denise Tanner 6:41:20 DNF    

A great night for a run. My thanks to all the marshalls, especially as we had so many new runners, who were unfamiliar with the course.
My apologies to those whose handicaps I got wrong, and well done to Steve, who ran his socks off.

Timekeeper:Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Jim Williams, Steve Grundy, Mike Cole, Dave Warren, Paul Hiles

10 km Handicap, 23rd October 2013

Name Start Finish Split Position
Jude Mortimer 6:37:00 7:27:27 0:50:27 1
Jacob Hussey 6:46:30 7:27:33 0:41:03 2
James Otter 6:43:00 7:28:11 0:45:11 3
Keith Tanner 6:41:30 7:29:54 0:48:24 4
Graham Willsher 6:43:30 7:30:04 0:46:34 5
Russell Buchanan 6:44:30 7:30:13 0:45:43 6
Francis Mahon 6:42:30 7:30:18 0:47:48 7
Paul Hiles 6:44:00 7:30:28 0:46:28 8
Richard Vero 6:40:30 7:30:58 0:50:28 9
John Driscoll 6:38:15 7:31:54 0:53:39 10
Warren Graham 6:36:30 7:32:52 0:56:22 11
Geoff Goodwin 6:35:30 7:33:31 0:58:01 12
Ian Milton 6:38:30 7:33:34 0:55:04 13
Gina Little 6:38:00 7:33:35 0:55:35 14
Lee Collins 6:25:00 7:34:15 1:09:15 15
Ray Marshall 6:34:00 7:34:47 1:00:47 16
Guy Marchegiani 6:31:30 7:35:19 1:03:49 17
Paul Banks 6:39:00 7:40:19 1:01:19 18

A pleasant night for a run and a good turnout, my thanks to all the marshalls.
A great run by Jude to snatch the win from Jake, and well done to Lee, completing only his second 10k

Timekeeper:Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Mary Jacob, Jim Williams, Mike Cole, John Colton, Dexter Periera

10 mile Handicap, 8th September 2013

Name Start Finish Split Position
Judith Wheeler 09:30:00 11:12:57 1:42:57 1
Ian Milton 09:46:00 11:13:30 1:27:30 2
Graham Willsher 09:59:00 11:13:40 1:14:40 3
James Otter 10:00:00 11:15:18 1:15:18 4
Justin Griggs 09:58:00 11:16:43 1:18:43 5
Siobhán Palmer 09:56:00 11:18:23 1:22:23 6
Keith Tanner 09:57:30 11:21:00 1:23:30 7
Eddie Parry 09:47:30 11:24:45 1:37:15 8

An excellent day for running , a shame that only seven members decided to take part. Many thanks to Ray who acted as a roving marshall. Well done to Jude who had a brilliant run.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Ray Marshall

Cross Country Handicap 19th June 2013

Name Start Finish Split Position
Melanie Roberts 6:35:00 7:26:22 0:51:22 1
Steve Gorrard-Smith 6:37:00 7:32:56 0:55:56 2
John Driscoll 6:49:00 7:38:04 0:49:04 3
Denise Tanner 6:34:00 7:38:16 1:04:16 4
Graham Willsher 6:56:30 7:39:14 0:42:44 5
Dave Warren 6:42:00 7:39:49 0:57:49 6=
Ian Milton 6:50:00 7:39:49 0:49:49 6=
Mary Jacob 6:46:00 7:40:01 0:54:01 8
Jacob Hussey 7:03:00 7:40:07 0:37:07 9
Eddie Parry 6:46:30 7:40:27 0:53:57 10
Julie Johnson 6:46:00 7:40:48 0:54:48 11=
Charlotte Russell 6:46:00 7:40:48 0:54:48 11=
Robin Bell 6:50:30 7:42:19 0:51:49 13
Peter Ratcliffe 6:54:00 7:42:50 0:48:50 14
Keith Tanner 6:54:30 7:45:27 0:50:57 15
Dave Winfield 6:52:00 7:49:12 0:57:12 16
Siobhán Palmer 6:53:30     DNF

My apologies for not turning up on the night, and many thanks to the timekeepers and marshalls, special thanks to Ray who marked out the course. According to Ray everybody appeared to enjoy the evening, even those who managed to get lost, (Dave Warren, Dave Winfield and Keith Tanner). Siobhán only completed the one lap as she was saving herself for a race at the weekend. Well done to Melanie on winning at her first attempt, although her next handicap won't be so generous. Steve Gorrard-Smith also had an excellent race.

Timekeepers: Steve Grundy, Gina Little

Marshalls: Ray Marshall, Paul Hiles, Steve Wilson, Jim Williams and Ian Scott

10 km Handicap, 3rd April 2013

Name Start Finish Split Position
Tony Warnes 6:32:00 7:37:58 1:04:16 1
Dave Warren 6:41:00 7:41:27 1:00:27 2
Graham Willsher 6:56:00 7:42:43 0:46:43 3
Russell Buchanan 6:58:30 7:43:04 0:44:34 4
James Otter 6:55:30 7:44:31 0:49:01 5
Siobhán Palmer 6:55:00 7:45:04 0:50:04 6
Julie Johnson 6:48:00 7:45:17 0:57:17 7
Guy Marchegiani 6:44:00 7:45:19 1:01:19 8
Charlotte Russell 6:48:00 7:45:35 0:57:35 9
Jacob Hussey 7:04:00 7:46:11 0:43:11 10
Paul Hiles 7:00:00 7:47:41 0:47:41 11
Keith Tanner 6:58:00 7:48:03 0:50:03 12
Steve Gorrard-Smith 6:42:00 7:48:25 1:06:25 13
Geoff Goodwin 6:51:00 7:49:57 0:58:57 14*
Steve Wilson 6:45:00 7:52:25 1:07:25 15
Sarah Sulleiman 6:44:45 8:00:00 (approx) 16*
Dexter Periera 6:30:00     DNF

Timekeeper:Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Ernie Cole, Jim Williams, Gina Little, Steve Grundy

* Running as guests.

A pleasant evening for a run, which could explain why Tony ran a personal best, which caught the handicapper by surprise, a full 12 minutes better than last time. Sarah managed to get lost at the end, which is why her finishing time is only an approximation. Dexter unfortunately had a bad night, getting a lift from Jim Williams.

10 km Handicap, 24th October 2012

Name Start Finish Split Position
Julie Johnson 6:35:00 7:31:22 0:56:22 1
Eddie Parry 6:37:00 7:32:51 0:55:51 2
Guy Marchegiani 6:32:00 7:32:55 1:00:55 3
Stuart Lintott 6:32:00 7:32:56 1:00:56 4
Paul Shelley 6:30:00 7:33:13 1:03:13 5
Gina Little 6:39:00 7:33:27 0:54:27 6
Mary Jacob 6:40:00 7:33:35 0:53:35 7
Siobhán Palmer 6:45:30 7:34:23 0:48:53 8
Jacob Hussey 6:54:00 7:34:54 0:40:54 9
Robin Bell 6:41:30 7:34:55 0:53:25 10
Ian Milton 6:40:30 7:34:56 0:54:26 11
Keith Tanner 6:48:15 7:35:05 0:46:50 12
Richard Vero 6:44:00 7:35:27 0:51:27 13
Graham Willsher 6:47:00 7:36:13 0:49:13 14
Paul Banks 6:42:00 7:37:42 0:55:42 15
Dave Warren 6:36:00 7:40:19 1:04:19 16
Russell Buchanan 6:53:00 7:40:33 0:47:13 17
Tony Warnes 6:31:00 7:47:58 1:16:58 18*
Dave Winfield 6:52:00 7:50:05 0:58:05 19*
Warren Graham 6:38:00     DNF

Timekeeper:Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Jim Williams, Keith Graham-Watson, Les Pullen

Quite a good turnout, my apologies to Tony Warnes and Dave Winfield, I obviously got their handicaps seriously wrong. Jim Anderson (Handicapper)

10 mile Handicap, 14th October 2012

Name Start Finish Split Position
Siobhán Palmer 08:36:00 10:05:28 1:18:28 1
Paul Hiles 08:47:00 10:07:03 1:10:03 2
Guy Marchegiani 08:20:00 10:08:00 1:48:00 3
Ian Milton 08:31:00 10:08:58 1:25:58 4
Kit Claxton 08:43:00 10:09:08 1:16:08 5
Warren Graham 08:30:00 10:15:43 1:44:03 6

Good day for a run, dry and sunny, although a bit cold in the shade. Many thanks to all the marshalls, who at one point looked as if they would outnumber the runners. Siobhan had a great run, managing to hold off Paul who improved on his time from last year. Warren unfortunately was down almost eight minutes from last year's race, (not stiched up by the handicapper). Hopefully next year we can persuade a few more members to take part.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Richard Vero, Steve Grundy, Jim Williams, Ray Marshall, Keith Graham-Watson

Cross Country Handicap 20th June 2012

Name Start Finish Split Position
Bob Lawes 6:44:30 7:31:23 0:46:53 1
Paul Hiles 6:53:00 7:32:29 0:39:29 2
Guy Marchegiani 6:39:00 7:32:41 0:53:41 3
Siobhán Palmer 6:46:30 7:32:53 0:46:22 4
Neil Kuruppu 6:53:00 7:33:01 0:40:01 5
Jacob Hussey 6:56:00 7:33:54 0:37:54 6
Robin Bell 6:45:00 7:34:12 0:49:12 7
Ian Milton 6:44:00 7:34:22 0:50:22 8
Peter Ratcliff 6:49:00 7:35:11 0:45:11 9
Gina Little 6:43:30 7:35:26 0:51:56 10
Jim Anderson 6:40:00 7:36:33 0:56:33 11
Les Pullen 6:48:20 7:37:24 0:49:04 12
Ernie Cole 6:49:00 7:38:41 0:49:41 13
Paul Banks 6:47:20 7:40:40 0:53:21 14
Graham Willsher 6:52:45     DNF
Dave Field 6:53:45     DNF

A lovely evening for running, sunny with a freshening wind from the east (according to Ray anyway). Unfortunately Graham and Dave did not finish, pulling up with minor injuries. My thanks to Ray for doing the timing and helping mark out the course, and to Jim who marshalled.
It would be nice to see a few more runners taking part, you don't know what you are missing.

Timekeeper: Ray Marshall
Marshalls: Jim Williams

10 km Handicap, 28th March 2012

Name Start Finish Split Position
Les Pullen 6:39:45 7:34:26 0:54:41 1
Richard Vero 6:45:00 7:34:36 0:49:36 2
Jacob Hussey 6:53:30 7:35:04 0:41:34 3
Paul Banks 6:43:15 7:36:36 0:53:21 4
Peter Ratcliffe 6:45:30 7:36:38 0:51:08 5
Graham Willsher 6:49:00 7:37:11 0:48:11 6
Jim Anderson 6:38:00 7:38:15 1:00:15 7
Eddie Parry 6:41:30 7:39:09 0:57:39 8
Warren Graham 6:44:00 7:40:24 0:56:24 9
Siobhán Palmer 6:47:00 7:40:58 0:53:58 10
Robin Bell 6:37:30 7:32:33 0:55:03 11
Ian Milton 6:40:30 7:32:39 0:52:09 12
Guy Marchegiani 6:41:00 7:44:25 1:03:25 13
Claudine Cross 6:41:00 7:44:25 1:03:25 13
Gary Cambridge 6:39:30 7:47:58 1:08:28 14
Dexter Periera 6:30:20 7:44:00 1:18:40 15

Many thanks to Mary, who did an excellent job timekeeping, and to Steve who assisted. Also to Ray and Jim for acting as marshalls.

Timekeeper:Mary Jacobs
Marshalls: Jim Williams, Ray Marshall, Paul Hiles, Steve Grundy

10 km Handicap, 26th October 2011

Name Start Finish Split Position
Francis Mahon 6:43:30 7:30:27 0:46:57 1
Ernie Cole 6:41:30 7:31:55 0:50:25 2
Robin Bell 6:37:30 7:32:33 0:55:03 3
Ian Milton 6:40:30 7:32:39 0:52:09 4
Mary Jacob 6:38:00 7:32:43 0:54:43 5
Dave Warren 6:34:30 7:33:22 0:58:52 6
James Otter 6:48:00 7:33:24 0:45:24 7
Jacob Hussey 6:50:00 7:33:37 0:43:37 8
James Williams 6:39:30 7:33:44 0:54:14 9
Graham Willsher 6:47:00 7:34:51 0:47:51 10
Ray Corbin 6:46:00 7:35:07 0:49:07 11
Jim Anderson 6:35:30 7:35:36 1:00:06 12
Steve Wilson 6:36:30 7:35:49 0:59:19 13
Michael Meehan 6:46:30 7:36:49 0:50:49 14
Steve Gorrard-Smith 6:35:00 7:39:54 1:04:54 15
Mick Conroy 6:34:00 7:20:29 0:46:29 Guest

Many thanks to Gina, Paul and Les for acting as timekeepers. Mick Conroy ran as a guest, and as his handicap was only an estimate, his finishing position was not counted in the results.

Timekeeper(s): Gina Little, Les Pullen and Paul Hiles
Marshalls: None

10 mile Handicap, 18th September 2011

Name Start Finish Split Position
Warren Graham 08:41:00 10:08:12 1:27:12 1
Ikaehagbon Osobase 08:35:00 10:14:40 1:39:40 2
Steve Gorrard-Smith 08:37:00 10:15:04 1:38:04 3
Felicity Wheeler 08:48:15 10:17:12 1:28:57 4
Kit Claxton 09:03:00 10:17:17 1:14:17 5
Paul Hiles 09:06:40 10:17:40 1:11:00 6
Ian Milton 08:51:00 10:17:45 1:26:45 7
James Otter 09:05:00 10:19:38 1:14:38 8
Jacob Hussey 09:07:00 10:21:25 1:14:25 9
Norma Schenke 08:43:00 10:24:21 1:41:21 10
Dexter Periera 08:30:20 10:31:21 2:01:01 11
Tinu Adeshile * 08:53:00 10:36:40 1:43:40 12

A nice day for a run although a bit cold, shame a few more didn't turn up. Many thanks to Jude and Ray for acting as roving marshalls, Jude was even suffering from tonsillitis otherwise she would have run. Warren having claimed he wasn't running well proceeded to run his socks off, stitching up the handicapper once again. Paul cost himself two places because he missed his allotted time slot doing up his shoes, and Tinu managed to get lost, by all accounts running both old and new courses.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Judith Wheeler, Ray Marshall

Cross Country Handicap 22nd June 2011

Name Start Finish Split Position
Felicity Wheeler 6:35:00 7:24:11 0:49:11 1
Mary Jacob 6:32:00 7:24:25 0:52:25 2
Ikaehagbon Osobase 6:30:00 7:24:40 0:54:04 3
Francis Mahon 6:44:00 7:28:12 0:44:12 4
Russell Ampofo 6:46:00 7:28:36 0:42:36 5
Les Pullen 6:40:30 7:29:48 0:49:18 6
Ian Milton 6:37:30 7:29:53 0:52:23 7
Jake Hussey 6:50:30 7:30:37 0:40:07 8
Dave Field 6:47:30 7:30:42 0:43:12 9
Jim Anderson 6:34:30 7:31:12 0:56:42 10
Gina Little 6:38:00 7:31:24 0:53:24 11
Graham Willsher 6:47:00 7:31:34 0:44:34 12
James Otter 6:49:00 7:31:55 0:42:55 13
Guy Marchegiani 6:34:00 7:32:05 0:58:05 14
Jude Wheeler 6:31:00 7:32:20 1:01:20 15
Kit Claxton 6:51:00 7:38:36 0:47:36 16
Steve Grundy 6:39:30     DNF
Tinu Adeshile 6:42:40     DNF

A pleasant evening for running and a not bad turnout, although it would have been nice to see a few more taking part. The first three home, Felicity, Mary and Ikae had excellent runs catching the handicapper out, well done. Unfortunately Tinu and Steve lost their way, better luck next time. My thanks to Ray for acting as timekeeper and Ernie, John, Steve and Paul as marshalls. Thanks also to Ray and Ernie for marking out the course.

Timekeeper: Ray Marshall
Marshalls: Ernie Cole, John Lyall, Steve Wilson, Paul Hiles

10km Handicap 30th March 2011

Name Start Finish Split Position
Michael Meehan 6:50:00 7:36:51 0:46:51 01
Dave Warren 6:39:00 7:37:24 0:58:24 02
Dexter Periera 6:30:00 7:40:05 1:10:05 03
James Otter 6:56:15 7:40:45 0:44:30 04
Robin Bell 6:38:00 7:40:55 1:02:55 05
Guy Marchegiani 6:44:00 7:40:57 0:56:57 06
Jake Hussey 6:59:00 7:41:48 0:42:48 07
Francis Mahon 6:52:30 7:42:04 0:49.34 08
Jim Anderson 6:43:00 7:43:05 1:00:05 09
Gina Little 6:48:30 7:43:41 0:55:11 10
Ernie Cole 6:53:00 7:44:27 0:51:27 11
Felicity Wheeler 6:47:45 7:46:54 0:59:09 12
Ian Milton 6:50:45 7:50:31 0:59:46 13

Timekeeper: Mary Jacob
Marshalls: Jim Williams, Ray Marshall

10km Handicap 27th October 2010

Name Start Finish Split Position
Guy Marchegiani 6:39:00 7:36:47 0:57:47 1
Les Pullen 6:46:30 7:37:32 0:51:02 2
Steve Grundy 6:43:45 7:37:37 0:53:52 3
Jake Hussey 6:55:00 7:38:01 0:43:01 4
Jim Anderson 6:35:30 7:38:17 1:03:47 5
Felicity Wheeler 6:43:30 7:38:39 0:55:09 6
Paul Hiles 6:54:30 7:39:09 0:44:39 7
Graham Willsher 6:54:15 7:39:37 0:45:22 8
Steve Gorrard-Smith 6:40:45 7:40:09 0:59:24 9
Bob Lawes 6:48:00 7:40:15 0:52:15 10
Jim Williams 6:45:30 7:40:25 0:54:55 11
Ray Marshall 6:48:30 7:40:43 0:52:13 12
Dexter Periera 6:30:00 7:43:50 1:13:50 13

Many thanks to Gina and Richard for acting as timekeepers. It would have been nice to see a few more runners taking part, but well done to Guy who had an excellent run.

Timekeeper: Gina Little & Richard Vero
Marshalls: None

10 mile Handicap, 10th October 2010

Name Start Finish Split Position
Paul Hiles 08:57:30 10:10:37 1:13:07 1
Ray Marshall 08:55:00 10:17:55 1:22:55 2
Ernie Cole 08:57:00 10:18:20 1:21:55 3
Ian Milton 08:54:00 10:19:08 1:25:08 4
Dexter Periera 08:30:00 10:24:20 1:54:20 5
Eddie Parry 08:54:30 10:26:24 1:31:54 6
Norma Schenke 08:45:30 10:26:47 1:41:17 7
Kirn Kamal Sanghera 08:45:30 10:26:47 1:41:17 8
Warren Graham 08:53:00 10:35:30 1:42:30 9
Ikaehagbon Osobase 08:48:30 10:37:10 1:48:40 10

Weather was just about perfect for running, so the turnout was again disappointing. Paul caught the handicapper out by having a fantastic run, a personal best he says. My thanks to Jim Williams for acting as a roving marshall, and well done to all those who took part.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Jim Williams

Cross Country Handicap 23rd June 2010

Name Start Finish Split Position
Russell Ampofo 6:45:30 7:32:06 0:46:36 1
Jake Hussey 6:49:20 7:32:14 0:42:54 2
Ian Milton 6:44:45 7:34:03 0:49:18 3
Guy Marchegiani 6:39:20 7:34:14 0:54:54 4
Ernie Cole 6:47:20 7:34:55 0:47:35 5
Mick Cole 6:46:20 7:37:05 0:50:45 6
Juliett Hoareau 6:48:00 7:37:33 0:49:33 7
Felicity Wheeler 6:42:00 7:37:44 0:55:44 8
Norma Schenke 6:36:00 7:38:08 1:02:08 9
Gina Little 6:44:00 7:38:20 0:54:20 10
Dave Warren 6:33:00 7:38:37 1:05:37 11
Dexter Periera 6:30:00 7:38:41 1:08:41 12=
Les Pullen 6:45:40 7:38:41 0:53:01 12=
Ray Marshall 6:49:00 7:38:54 0:49:54 14
Dave Field 6:54:00 7:44:29 0:50:29 15
Bob Lawes 6:49:40 7:46:54 0:57:14 16

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson, Keith Graham-Watson
Marshalls: Warren Graham, Kirn Kamal Sanghera, Richard Vero, Graham Willsher

10km Handicap 7th April 2010

Name Start Finish Split Position
Richard Vero 6:53:30 7:37:58 0:44:28 01
Graham Willsher 6:54:15 7:38:17 0:44:02 02
Dexter Periera 6:30:00 7:38:37 1:08:37 03
Ian Milton 6:43:30 7:38:58 0:55:28 04
Steve Grundy 6:45:30 7:40:15 0:54:45 05
Russell Ampofo 6:50:40 7:40:16 0:49:36 06
Guy Marchegiani 6:42:30 7:41:57 0:59:27 07
Francis Mahon 6:52:30 7:43:55 0:51:25 08
Steve Gorrard-Smith 6:48:00 7:46:11 0:58:11 09
Jim Anderson 6:42:15 7:44:04 1:01:49 10
Les Pullen 6:51:00 7:46:31 0:55:31 11

Running conditions were good, so a disappointing turnout, although I appreciate it was just after Easter. Many thanks to the timekeepers and marshalls and my apologies to Les for not adjusting his start time to reflect the fact that he had just returned from South Africa.

Cross Country Handicap 13th December 2009

Name Start Finish Split Position
Warren Graham 09:13:30 10:04:51 0:51:21 1
Dave Field 09:24:30 10:05:17 0:40:37 2
Kit Claxton 09:26:00 10:05:23 0:39:23 3
James Otter 09:23:45 10:05:43 0:41:58 4
Steve Wilson 09:13:00 10:06:39 0:53:39 5
Ray Marshall 09:20:00 10:07:20 0:47:20 6
Ikaehagbon Osobase 09:12:00 10:07:38 0:55:38 7
Guy Marchegiani 09:10:30 10:07:45 0:57:15 8
Dexter Periera 09:00:00 10:09:04 1:09:04 9

Running conditions were good, although very cold, and despite the low turnout everyone had a good run, especially Warren, who having helped mark out the course proceeded to gallop home in first place. Both Ray and Dexter managed to stray off course, in Ray's case this probably cost him a few places, but in Dexter's case it did not affect the final result.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Audrey Nioucel

10km Handicap 21st October 2009

Name Start Finish Split Position
Bob Lawes 6:49:15 7:39:25 0:50:10 1
Richard Vero 6:50:30 7:39:55 0:49:25 2
Audrey Nioucel 6:52:00 7:39:59 0:47:59 3
Eddie Parry 6:49:00 7:40:30 0:51:30 4
Russell Buchanan 6:54:30 7:40:40 0:46:10 5
Norma Schenke 6:36:30 7:40:57 1:04:27 6
Ian Milton 6:43:30 7:40:59 0:57:29 7
Gina Little 6:48:00 7:41:29 0:53.29 8
Guy Marchegiani 6:42:30 7:42:24 0:59:54 9
Dexter Periera 6:30:00 7:42:30 1:12:30 10
Les Pullen 6:51:45 7:43:57 0:52:12 11
Jim Anderson 6:42:15 7:44:04 1:01:49 12
Juliette Hoareau 6:52:30 7:45:35 0:53:05 13
Steve Wilson 6:46:30 7:46:27 0:59:57 14
Cathy Morgan 6:30:00 7:47:22 1:17:22 15
Graham Willsher 6:54:15 7:51:50 0:57:35 16 *
Gary Cambridge 6:45:30 7:52:20 1:06:50 17 *
Steve Gorrard-Smith 6:51:00 7:54:16 1:03:16 18 *
Ray Marshall 6:50:40 7:54:16 1:03:36 19 *
Kit Claxton 6:55:00 DNF    
Pat McKenna 6:50:30 7:37:55 0:47:25  

Weather was dry and mild, perfect for running. Unfortunately Kit had a fall in Bourne Road and was unable to finish.
* Graham, Gary, Steve and Ray stopped to assist and as a result their finish times are not a true reflection of their expected times.
Although Pat McKenna was first to finish he went off before his allocated handicap time, and was therefore eliminated from the final positions.

Many thanks to the timekeepers and marshalls for their time and effort,as without them it would not be possible to hold the race.

Cross Country Handicap 24th June 2009

Name Start Finish Split Position
Judith Wheeler 6:30:00 7:30:12 1:00:12 1
Pat McKenna 6:51:20 7:32:09 0:40:49 2
Kit Claxton 6:52.00 7:32:21 0:40:21 3
Ray Marshall 6:50:20 7:33:12 0:42:52 4
Felicity Wheeler 6:42:00 7:34:14 0:52:14 5
Guy Marchegiani 6:42:30 7:34:22 0:51:52 6
Norma Schenke 6:38:00 7:34:59 0:56:59 7
Justin Griggs 6:54:20 7:35:21 0:41:01 8
Richard Vero 6:50:40 7:35:24 0:44:44 9
Steve Gorrard-Smith 6:46:30 7:35:58 0:49:28 10
Gina Little 6:45:30 7:36:12 0:50:42 11
Eddie Parry 6:47:30 7:36:24 0:48:54 12
Francis Mahon 6:53:00 7:36:38 0:43:38 13
Kate Topham (Guest) 6:45:45 7:36:41 0:50:56 14
Jim Williams 6:50:50 7:36:45 0:45:55 15
Ernie Cole 6:49:00 7:37:03 0:48:03 16
Terry Brough 6:50:00 7:37:09 0:47:09 17
Ian Milton (Guest) 6:45:00 7:37:11 0:52:11 18
Ikaehagbon Osobase 6:44:20 7:37:23 0:53:03 19
Dave Field 6:53:30 7:37:31 0:44:01 20
Les Pullen 6:49:30 7:39:04 0:49:34 21
Steve Wilson 6:46:00 7:40:09 0:54:09 22
Phil Brown 6:46:00 7:40:09 0:54:09 23
Russell Buchanan 6:50:30 7:30:18 0:39:48 * DSQ
Audrey Nioucel 6:51:30 7:30:25 0:38:55 * DSQ

* Unfortunately both Audrey and Russell took a wrong turn and cut off part of the course and are therefore disqualified. Apart from that it was a beautiful evening and hopefully everyone enjoyed their run.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Warren Graham, Kam Sanghera, Dave Warren, Dexter Periera, John Ryall and Paul Hiles

10 km Handicap 6th April 2009

Name Start Finish Split Position
Ikaehagbon Osobase 6:38:00 7:34:19 0:56:19 1
Norma Schenke 6:31:00 7:36:28 1:05:28 2
Audrey Nioucel * 6:48:50 7:38:17 0:49:27 3
Ernie Cole 6:49:00 7:39:39 0:50:39 4
Les Pullen 6:50:00 7:39:58 0:49:58 5
Francis Mahon 6:52:50 7:40:24 0:47:34 6
Felicity Wheeler 6:43:30 7:40:38 0:57:08 7
Gina Little 6:48:00 7:41:27 0:53:27 8
Ray Marshall 6:51:00 7:42:16 0:51:16 9
Paul Hiles 6:56:00 7:42:32 0:46:32 10
Guy Marchegiani 6:44:00 7:43:27 0:59:27 11
Jim Anderson 6:42:00 7:43:59 1:01:59 12
Steve Wilson 6:48:20 7:44:14 0:55:54 13
Richard Vero 6:53:30 7:44:50 0:51:2O 14
Bob Lawes 6:53:00 7:45:56 0:52:56 15
Terry Brough 6:52:40 7:46:48 0:54:08 16
Eddie Parry 6:48:55 7:47:39 0:58:44 17

* Guest Runner

Timekeeper: Kam Sanghera
Marshalls: Mike Cole, Mary Jacob

10k Handicap 22nd October 2008

Name Start Finish Split Position
Paul Hiles 6:52:50 7:38:46 0:45:56 1
Dave Winfield 6:52:40 7:39:33 0:46:53 2
Felicity Wheeler 6:41:40 7:40:05 0:58:25 3
Guy Marchegiani 6:43:00 7:40:36 0:57:36 4
Jude Mortimer 6:54:50 7:41:01 0:46:11 5
Juliette Hoareau 6:52:00 7:41:13 0:49:13 6
Terry Brough 6:52:30 7:41:31 0:49:01 7
Kit Claxton 6:51:30 7:41:37 0:50:07 8
Dexter Pereira 6:30:00 7:41:53 1:11:53 9
Richard Vero 6:55:50 7:42:16 0:46:26 10
Ikaehagbon Osobase 6:42:20 7:42:45 1:01:05 11
Gina Little 6:48:20 7:43:09 0:54:59 12
Ray Marshall 6:51:40 7:43:20 0:51:30 13
Judith Wheeler 6:35:00 7:45:47 1:10:47 14
Steve Wilson 6:50:20 7:46:14 0:55.54 15
Les Pullen 6:50:00 7:51:17 1:01:17 16 *

* Unfortunately Les had to make a call of nature, leastways that was his excuse for calling in the pub, and therefore his finishing time was later than predicted.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson
Marshalls: Ernie Cole, Warren Graham

10 Mile Handicap 21st September 2008

Name Start Finish Split Position
Kit Claxton 9:16:00 10:37:08 1:21:08 1
Les Pullen 9:14:00 10:38:07 1:24.07 2
Ikaehagbon Osobase 9:00:00 10:38:33 1:38:33 3
Felicity Wheeler 9:05:00 10:40:33 1:35:33 4
Jill Breeze (Guest) 9:10:00 10:42:06 1:32:06 5
Guy Marchegiani 9:10:00 10:42:22 1:32.22 6
Eddy Parry 9:13:00 10:43:18 1:30.18 7
Mervyn Nutburn 9:26:00 10:45:26 1:19.26 8
Denise Asquith (Guest) * 9:00:00 10:53:32 1:53:32 9
Paul Hiles 9:25:00 DNF  

† Unfortunately Paul managed to get lost and was eventually brought back, courtesy of Warren Graham.

* Denise ran the extra mile, literally, returning via Brampton Road. Apart from these minor mishaps, the weather was dry and sunny, but not too hot, and hopefully everyone enjoyed the run. A few more runners would have been nice, but you can't have everything.

Timekeeper: Jim Anderson
Marshalls/Water Stations: Ray Marshall, Mary Jacob and Trudy Mackie

6.5 Mile Handicap 14th May 2008

Name Start Finish Split Position
Justin Griggs 7:01:15 7.45.51 44:36 1
Jude Mortimer 6:58:50 7.46.15 47:25 2
Dave Warren 6:49:00 7:46:41 57:41 3
Mary Jacob 6:52:00 7:48:44 56:44 4
James Williams 6:59:00 7:49:16 50:16 5
Paul Hiles 7:00:00 7:49:37 49:37 6
Brian Wilton 7:02:45 7:50:30 47:45 7
Ernie Cole 6:57:30 7:58:38 53:08 8
Ray Marshall 7:00:15 7:50:53 50:38 9
Francis Mahon 7:01:30 7:51:08 49:38 10
Bob Lawes 7:03:00 7:51:24 48:24 11
Preeti Krishnan 6:58:15 7:51:28 53:13 12
Jim Anderson 6:50:00 7:51:29 1:01:29 13
Dexter Pereira 6:40:00 7:52:20 1:12.20 14
Guy 6:51:00 7:53:34 1:02.34 15
Tom Mahon * 7:01:30 7:53:08 51:38 16
Dave Winfield 7:03:45 7:53:23 49.38 17
Kit Claxton 7:00:45 7:53:42 52.57 18
Warren Graham 7:00:50 7:54:22 53.32 19
Les Pullen 7:00:30 7:55:08 54.38 20
* Guest Runner        

Timekeeper: Dave Field

6.5 Mile Handicap 12th September 2007

Name Start Finish Split Position
Gina Little 6:54:00 7:48:04 54:04 1
Jim Anderson 6:50:00 7:48:35 58:35 2
Steve Northcott 7:04:30 7:48:36 44:06 3
Les Pullen 6:58:30 7:49:45 51:15 4
Richard Vero 7:03:45 7:49:49 46:03 5
Ernie Cole 6:57:30 7:51:00 53:30 6
Dexter Pereira 6:40:00 7:51:01 1:11:01 7
Bob Lawes 7:03:30 7:51:33 48:03 8
Paul Hiles 7:00:00 7:52:00 52:00 9
Eddie Parry 6:58:00 7:52:04 54:04 10
Warren Graham 7:02:30 7:51:57 49:57 11
Kam Sanghera 7:02:30 7:56:35 54:05 12

Timekeeper: Ray Marshall


6.5 Mile Handicap 28th March 2007

Name Start Time Finish Time Split Position
Cathy Love 6:48:00 7:52:07 1:04:07 1
Dexter Periera 6:40:00 7:52:23 1:10:23 2
Jim Anderson 6:52:00 7:52:35 1:00:35 3
Patricia Robbins 6:55:00 7:53:11 58:11 4
Steve Northcott 7:11:30 7:53:25 41:55 5
Warren Graham 7:05:45 7:54:31 48:46 6
Ray Marshall 7:04:00 7:54:35 50:35 7
Claire Royston 6:59:00 7:54:40 55:40 8
Steve Wilson 7:03:00 7:55:14 52:14 9
Richard Vero 7:08:00 7:55:15 47:15 10
Bob Lawes 7:09:30 7:56:30 47:30 11
Paul Hiles 7:07:00 7:57:50 50:50 12
Dave Warren 7:01:30 8:01:57 1:01:27 13
Carla Hayes 7:01:00     DNF
Terry Brough 7:10:00     DNF

10 Mile Handicap 4th March 2007

Name Start Time Finish Time Split Position
Warren Graham 9:52 11:12:16 1:20:16 1
Bob Lawes 9:59 11:17:51 1:18:51 2
Ray Marshall 9:56 11:18:10 1:22:10 3
Kam Sanghera 9:57 11:22:25 1:25:25 4
Paul Hiles 9:58 11:24:42 1:26:42 5
Dexter Periea 9:30 11:28:25 1:58:35 6
Dave Warren 9:47 11:29:29 1:42:29 7
Mervyn Nutburn 10:04:30 11:29:29 1:24:59 7
Steve Northcott 10:02:30 11:11:20 1:08:50 DISQ

Time Keepers: Ernie Cole & Mary Jacob

6.5 Mile Handicap 12th July 2006

Name Start Time Finish Time Split Position
Maria Grey 6:57:15 PM 7:47:14 PM 49.59 1
Gina Little 6:56:00 PM 7:49:37 PM 53.37 2
Jim Anderson 6:51:00 PM 7:53:24 PM 1:02.24 3
Mary Jacob 6:58:00 PM 7:54:07 PM 56.07 4
Warren Graham 7:03:30 PM 7:54:53 PM 51:23 5
Bob Lawes 7:05:30 PM 7:55:38 PM 50.08 6
Ray Marshall 7:00:00 PM 7:57:17 PM 57.17 7
Carla Hayes 7:02:00 PM 7:57:24 PM 55.24 8
Dave Warren 6:53:00 PM 7:57:26 PM 1:04.26 9
Francis Mahan 7:08:00 PM 7:57:30 PM 49.30 10
Phil (guest) 7:08:15 PM 7:58:45 PM 50.30 11
Elaine Payne 7:07:30 PM 7:58:57 PM 51:27 12
Dexter Pereira 6:45:00 PM 7:59:04 PM 1:14.04 13
Eddie Parry 7:04:00 PM 7:59:39 PM 55.39 14
Paul Hiles 7:06:20 PM 8:00:07 PM 53.47 15
Tony (guest) 7:03:30 PM 8:02:36 PM 59.06 16
Roy Rampersad 7:00:30 PM 8:04:55 PM 1:04.25 17
Kathy Morgan 6:45:00 PM 8:08:00 PM 1:23 18

Timekeeper Ernie Cole

Marshal Dave Field

Weather Very Hot

10 Mile Handicap 22nd June 2005

Name Start Time Finish Time Split Position
Roy Rampersad 18:35:30 20:03:28 1:27:58 1
Elaine Payne 18:39:00 20:04:06 1:25:04 2
Leon Grey 18:23:00 20:04:15 1:11:45 3
Ernie Cole 18:36:30 20:04:25 1:27:55 4
Gary Kent 18:40:00 20:04:30 1:24:30 5
Bob Lawes 18:39:30 20:06:16 1:28:16 6
Ray Marshall 18:37:30 20:07:53 1:30:23 7
Mervin Nutburn 18:50:00 20:08:31 1:18:31 8
Jim Kirkland 18:48:30 20:10:38 1:22:08 9
Richard Vero 18:49:00 20:13:36 1:24:36 10
Warren Graham 18:41:30 20:15:14 1:33:46 11
Jim Anderson 18:26:00 20:16:49 1:50:49 12
Carla 18:30:00 20:17:55 1:47:55 13
John Colton 18:40:15 20:19:20 1:39:05 14
Eddy Parry 18:37:00 20:23:00 1:46:00 15
Dave Warren 18:20:00 20:29:05 2:09:05 16
Dexter Pertira 18:27:00 20:39:54 2:12:54 17
Gary Cambridge 18:42:00 DNF

Time Keeper: Kam Sanghera

Marshals: Susan Gleeny, Mary Jacobs and Kathy Caley

Water Stations: John Ryall and Alan Warnes

Plumstead Runners Triathlon 10th September 2004

Name Swim Transition Bike Transition Run
Gary 4m 38s 1m 35s 40m 33s 45s 1h 14m 26s
Ray 6m 27s 1m 57s 36m 12s 15s 1h 8m 51s
Eddie 6m 52s 53s 39m 56s 13s 1h 12m 18s
Dave 5m 39s 1m 35s 41m 16s 15s 1h 15m 50s
Mike 5m 35s 2m 01s 39m 47s 10s 1h 18m 28s
Lisa 11m 15s        
Keith & Kathy 6m 6s 21s 37m 45s 0s 1h 16m 46s

10 Mile Handicap, 20th June 2004

Name Start Time Finish Time Split Position
Val Charles 8:34:30 9:56:26 1:21:56 1
Warren Graham 8:41:00 9:59:00 1:18:00 2
Mervin Nutburn 8:47:00 9:59:43 1:12:43 3
Ray Marshall 8:38:00 9:59:55 1:21:55 4
Eddy Parry 8:37:00 10:00:03 1:23:03 5
Ernie Cole 8:39:00 10:00:52 1:21:52 6
John Ryall 8:36:00 10:03:49 1:27:49 7
Fiona King 8:30:30 10:04:19 1:33:49 8
Elaine Payne 8:35:30 10:04:28 1:28:58 9
Jim Kirkland 8:48:00 10:04:57 1:16:57 10
Dave Winfield 8:49:00 10:06:25 1:17:25 11
Kam Sanghera 8:42:00 10:06:34 1:24:34 12
Mike Cole 8:35:45 10:06:47 1:31:02 13
Gary Cambridge 8:34:00 10:08:31 1:34:31 14

Timekeeper: Dave Field
Marshalls: Jim Anderson and Richard Vero

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